Chapter 3

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Everything happens for a reason, but that apparently doesn't apply if you're the son of the king of demons himself, for him he was stuck in between two hard places, and being crushed every time he tried to escape. Feeling this way every day for his whole life just drained him even more. It could've been a whole eternity already, but that wouldn't matter if he is stuck here being crushed by his own dark thoughts for the meanwhile. Maybe he will just rest...just close his eyes for a second...and not feel pressured... anymore...

Yukio's pov

I just got off a phone call with Rin's personal nurse, Nurse Sanī. Apparently calling me during class saying that she needed to tell everyone something in relation to Rin's condition. Earlier on I was hesitant on trusting her on treating my brother, and especially how brief she was in the short duration of the sudden and interruptive phone call doesn't make me feel any better.
As I hung up I looked up and quickly announced to everyone that we should drop by the exorcist hospital and keep up on the details of my brothers condition. Nobody questioned why I had such a sudden interest in visiting my brother, and as I turn the key and open the door to a different hallway I hear running from someone in the hospital.
As I look at my surroundings for any sort of panic somebody slams into my backside causing me to fall over onto another nurse. "Didn't know you were such a charmer Oku", he swore that was the voice of Rin's nurse, not hearing the childish nickname.
He stood up to see his suspicions correct, and it looked that she dropped something after his dramatic fall. "I'm sorry for causing a disturbance to you while working", I politely said.
"I hope I didn't break anything meant for crucial treatment", I say in hope that my slip up didn't cause any harm to anyone and in worse case any deaths. As I look over to see sheer horror drawn on her face I start to worries aswell. Not to mention the students that ditched me after my fall to go visit my brother, which I guess I can't blame them for worrying.
"No, this isn't good at all, this was shipped especially for him, we don't have time to get another shipment in time!", I snap out of my thoughts as I hear Sanī freaking out salvaging the liquidized medication off the floor.
As I lean down to help her salvage what's left in consequence of my big mistake I ask, "Who exactly is this for, I've never seen this drug used on patients before, because this is too high a dose for anyone to take at a time".
She calms down and looks me dead in the eyes and states, "This was for your brother it's a very high dose because his body will just wash away normal amounts like a drink of water, but it's an expensive drug, and I don't think I can salvage enough for it to work as we planned".
I see she feels responsible for this, and even though it's my fault, I blame it mostly on her for not being careful.
"What's the medication called, maybe I can help with the bill".
"It's a new drug that's not named yet, and just came to be in hospitals, most people call it MMOTC standing for Miracle Medication Of The Century, because it basically brought people back from paralyzation and woken up comatose patients right away, but it's very expensive and hard to get in stock", she pauses to take a breath, "We have salvaged enough to have him come out of a permanent vegetative state, that is if you'll help me out in the lab to clean out the dirt from the floor it soaked up", she looks at me hopefully.
"If it can help my brother wake up then I'll gladly help you with anything you need", I start to put on safety gear and get to work alongside Sanī.

Exwire Pov-

"I hope we don't get in trouble for ditching Okumura like that", Konekomaru says worrying.
"RIN", they hear a panicked Shiemi yell from inside the room. The rest of them opened the door slightly to see a crying girl thrown over their comatose classmate. They close the door quietly and give them personal space once again.
"I wonder what that was that all about?", Bon questions aloud.
"She's just too overwhelmed and over-emotional to understand she needs to stop worrying about that idiot", Izumi states in her matter o' factly voice.
"We're all worried, and I know even you have a soft spot for the kid", we jump at Shura's voice from a bench just across the hallway from us.
"How long were you sitting there", Shima says pointing a finger at her.
"I've been in this hospital since Rin got here, of course I leave to stock up on necessities and all, but I was the person chosen to constantly watch Rin", she runs her mouth making us all sweatdrop. We see Shiemi open the door, "You know you guys can come in right?", she asks innocently.
"I have to check up on him anyway", Shura pushes past Shiemi and into the room. Once we get into the room we sit down around the older Okumura and wait for the nurse to get here, so we start with the oh so magical small talk.
"Shura we haven't gotten a lot of details on Okumura's condition, do you mind telling us what you know?", Bon asks bluntly.
Shura scoffs in annoyance, "Sticking by his side throughout the ordeal has gained me a whole lot of knowledge to what we're dealing with, for starters, for him to recover it takes a lot to do with his mental health, the only physical part is actually waking up and moving around, and then there are the wounds which have caused major damage and for some reason are not repairing themselves at all making Sanī go to last resorts in trying to wake the kid up".
"We get it", Shima cuts Shura off.
"Where do you keep all that air?", Bon sweatdrops.
"Don't worry about  it", Shura say tossing her can of beer into the trashcan across the room.

The door opens to Sanī and Okumura along with two other nurses walking in. "I need you all to get out of the patients room for a minute", one of the nurses glares at Shiemi. As we all step out to give space for the nurses to get to work.
"I wish I could have hot nurses", Shima says sitting in the corner with jealousy.
"Visiting hours are over", says a random security guard kicking us out of the hospital.

Yukio's Pov

"So much for talking to us about something critical for Rin's condition", Yukio slumps down dramatically after getting back to campus.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
If you have any suggestions about how you want the story to go, don't be shy and leave them down in the comments!!! I love the advice, trust me!!!

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