Chapter 2

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Rin's Pov

"Stabbed....Sword.......Flames", I slowly began to hear things. Where am I? Why is it so dark? All I feel is pain as I look at my surroundings, I'm in some sort of a dark forest. I look down and realized I'm strapped to a chair. I saw someone start to approach me from deep in the shadows. I squinted to try to see them better. But before I could, my senses retracted back into nothingness.


Yukio's Pov

Me and the other exwires rushed Rin to a special exorcist hospital. Although they were hesitant to treat him, we persuaded them to see what injuries he might have gained.

"It looked like he was stabbed with his demon sword while not in control with his flames.", the specialized nurse told us while multiple different people where examining Rin in a separate room.

"Is he going to be okay?", Shiemi nervously asked.

"For now we believe he's in some sort of a comatose state, so we cannot examine him any way other than what we can observe", the nurse said looking down at the clipboard in her hands.

Before we could ask any more questions, a doctor burst through the door in hurried panic, "Nurse Sanī we need immediate assistance in this room!!!"

"Okay I'll go get Tsuki right away", nurse Sanī yelled back at him before turning and running across to the staff center. Once they were done yelling back and forth at the top of their lungs the doctor turned back and slammed the room door shut behind him. After standing there confused for a minute or so a nurse walking along the hallway, minding her own business, told us to go back to the waiting room. Apparently we weren't aloud in this area without assistance. Once in the waiting room Shiemi bursted into tears.

"There's no need to cry, Rin has supernatural healing after all", Izumo said slightly annoyed.

"But we don't know what really happened, their are different types of demons that could easily kill Okumura within a minute, but that's only a 6% chance", Konekomaru said making Shiemi cry even harder.

"What he meant to say is Rin is most definitely going to be okay", Shima said trying to comfort Shiemi.

After about an hour they finally got Shiemi to calm down. But that's when Rin's nurse Sanī walked over to them.

"Rins condition is very critical, he is in a vegetative state, meaning that he is awake, but he isn't aware of any of his surroundings", nurse Sanī explained to us.

"Is there anything else that may be concerning my brother?", I asked patiently.

"Well he was stabbed in the heart, has some major bruising around the organs, and broke his right arm, but his wounds are slowly healing themselves along with treatment", she said almost robotically.

"At this point it's all up to him if he survives or not, his emotional state has quite a lot to do with if he'll get out of his state or not", Sanī turned around and walked away.

"Oh Rin", I heard Shiemi say sorrowful.

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