My First Day At Riverdale High.

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When I woke up early I found a backpack and some new clothes. I put them on and after putting my jacket on I headed upstairs with my new backpack slung over my shoulder. Alice was already up and so was Betty. "Morning Daniel." They greeted.
"Morning." I replied.
"You ready for your first day of school?" Alice said.
"Yes. Thank you."
"If you like I could give you a tour." Betty said.
"Sure. But I need to meet with Mr. Weatherby first before I can take any kind of tour." I said nervously.
"Well, I'm sure you'll do fine. And Betty will show you around after you meet with Mr. Weatherby."
"Absolutely." Betty smiled.
"Thanks guys." I said taking a huge bite out of some bacon, eggs and toast. Once I was done I headed to my chopper and headed to Riverdale High.

When I got there I headed directly to Mr. Weatherby's office and got every lecture of school policy and rules one could swallow. I was then given my class schedule and Betty met me outside the office and gave me a tour of the school. After the tour I went to my third class and sat next to Toni. The class was English Lit. Which was right up my alley. but since it was my first day I didn't want to push it. So I kept quiet and Toni asked me a few questions about where I was from and why I want to be a Serpent among other normal questions. When class ended. Toni told me, "Well see you after lunch new guy. By the way. Welcome to Riverdale High and I'll come get you for the Swords & Serpents meeting." I nodded in understanding.

After lunch I was walking along the hall and heard a commotion near the gym and I ran to the source of the commotion and found Chuck and Reggie picking on Toni. She was doing well so far not taking anything they said personally much less their advances as well until they grabbed her and I got angry real quick. "Hey," I said. Chuck looked to me and got a knuckle punch to the throat causing him to temporarily choke and sputter as Reggie looked at the growing dire situation and fled. Toni got behind me and Chuck looked at me with contempt as he stopped coughing.
"Stay out of this newbie." Chuck scolded.
"You know. There's a rule when it comes to dealing with Cobra's. Do you happen to know what that rule is Chuck?" He shook his head. "Never turn your back on them." He tried to reach for Toni again only for me to perform a judo throw and instantly put him in a Kimura lock. Sweet Pea, Fangs and Toni watched in awe as I cranked on Chuck's arm. "Are you going to leave Toni alone along with any girl and the Serpents?" I asked.
"Yes. Just let me go, please your going to break my arm." He begged. I looked to Toni and she nodded. I let him go and stood up.
"If I ever catch you or any other boy try to enforce his will on any girl in this school. They will not walk again for six months." I leaned down and looked Chuck in the eye. "And touch Toni again or anybody I know. You won't have to worry about using your arms again." Fear filled his eyes. Once I broke up the crowd that had gathered Toni hugged me.
"Oof." I grunted as she hit my stomach after pulling away.
"Thank you."
"You know a simple handshake would have sufficed." I smiled. She led me to the classroom that was currently being used for the Swords & Serpents meetings. I was introduced to the rest of the Young Serpents. Sweet Pea and Fangs gave me props for helping Toni with Chuck.
"Where did  you learn that man?" Sweet Pea asked.
"It was a hobby of mine. I am self taught and that's pretty much it." I answered honestly. Jugghead came in and started the meeting and I sat through it with Toni next to me. After the meeting Jugghead approached me.
"Hey, I talked with the other Serpents and your initiation starts next week." He smiled.
"Thank you." I grinned in return.
"Toni. Will you help the Serpent hopeful."
"Sure." Toni grinned as she approached us.
"Okay. Good luck in advance Daniel."
"I'll need it I'm sure." I joked. Toni smiled and led me to her locker since it was the end of the school day and that meant I had to get right to work on learning the laws of the Serpents among other things. When I was finished for the day I did my homework at Toni's place and she noticed that I was too tired to even attempt to ride back to the Coopers so she called Betty and told her that I'd be spending the night at her place. I was thankful to Toni for allowing me to stay over night but I made sure that I slept on the sofa. With my Cobra Kings jacket as a blanket and a pillow Toni got from her room. She sat in a chair just looking at me as I slept and just contemplated what she could do to repay me for helping her and protecting her from Chuck and Reggie.
She fell asleep in the chair and came to a decision that she would ask FP to just put me through the laws, the snake tank, and watching over hotdog. But the gauntlet was going to be off the table one way or the other. But the only way she could try to get that off the table was to talk to FP and see where that goes.

When I woke up I found Toni asleep in the chair. I smiled and got up and draped my jacket over her. I went to the bathroom and did my business and by the time I got back to the living room Toni was awake and smiling. "Nice jacket. Why didn't you tell us that you were part of the Cobra Kings?"
"I told FP, Alice, Betty and that's all. But now you know. So. Does it make a difference?" I asked her.
"No. But I'm happy to have a member of a somewhat legendary group join us."
"I don't think the Kings are legendary. But well known I'd buy that explanation." I smiled.
"Well, since tomorrow is a Saturday do you have any plans?"
"Are you asking me out Toni?" She giggled and shook her head. "Thought not. Damn it."
"I thought I'd take you to see my grandpa tomorrow. I'm sure he'd like to meet the soon to be newest Serpent."
"I'd love to."
"Okay." She helped me put on my jacket as I did the same for her. "We'll practice the laws more after school at the White Wyrm."
"Thank you Toni for helping me. I really appreciate it."
"No problem." I noticed her biting her lower lip while she said that and I smiled as I didn't think it was anything serious. We went to school and Chuck met me at the door with Mr. Weatherby.
"Mr. Boyce. Is it true that you threatened to break Chucks arm if he didn't leave the Serpents alone?" Weatherby asked.
"Yes. But I also told him he'd get the same treatment from picking on or messing with any of the girls here."
"That true?" He asked Chuck. Chuck looked at the ground. "I see. Mr. Boyce you may go about your day. My office." He said to Chuck as he led him to his office.
The day went rather normally from there from what Jugghead and the others told me anyway. After school I took Toni and myself to the White Wyrm and worked on the Laws of the Serpents and FP watched with a smile as to how fast I picked up on them. As I took a pool break FP was taken aside by Toni.
"May I ask you a favor?"
"What is it Toni?" FP asked.
"I don't want Daniel to be put through the gauntlet. Everything else I think he'll do fine in but I don't think it would be fair if he was put through the gauntlet."
"Would this have anything to do with him putting Chuck through the five second snap." He said referring to me punching Chuck in the throat, then judo throwing him on the ground then immediately putting him in the Kimura Lock. Toni nodded.
"I'm sorry Toni. But I'd like what your trying to do but the only person that can do anything is your grandpa. Talk to him and see what he says. Besides you know I can't get involved anymore I'm retired remember." Toni nodded. Then after we did another hour of studying the laws we worked on homework and I headed out to my chopper and Toni asked if I could drop her off at home which I did and she told me where to meet her tomorrow so I could meet her grandpa.
"Be there at ten in the morning." Toni said. I smiled and nodded. She headed inside and I went to the Coopers for the rest of the night.
When I slowly started dozing off in bed I was excited to meet Toni's grandpa. But I had no idea I already knew him.

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