The Newest Serpent Pulls A Voight.

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When Toni and I reached Thistle House a car was pulling away I looked at the license plate and memorized the number. Toni leapt off the bike and headed inside. I was not too far behind. We found Cheryl in the top floor bathroom. Crying and curled up in a ball. Toni sent me down to get Cheryl some water and she calmed down.
Once she was calm enough, Toni sat her on her bed and sat next to her. I stood at the bedroom door.
"Who did this?" I asked. Cheryl wiped the excess tears from her eyes and looked at me.
"Nick St Clare." Cheryl said.
"I hope I'm not going to sound rude but I just might. For the sake of making the right. Are you sure?"
"No. I understand why he asked that. And yes as sure as your standing here." She answered.
"All I need to hear." I straightened up and Toni approached me.
"Where you off to?"
"Nicks gonna want to leave town. Which means he's gonna check out of the five seasons then make a beeline for New York. He won't get away this time for that."
"Dan. What are you planning?"
"Call the other Serpents. Have them come over here and watch the house. Stay here with Cheryl and I'll be back as soon as I can."
"Babe. Be careful."
"Always." I kissed Toni. Then headed to the Wyrm to snag my Cobra Kings jacket. Then headed to the five seasons after switching my jackets. I put my Serpents jacket in my saddle bag then got on my chopper and headed to the five seasons. I walked over to the front desk. "Excuse me is Nick St Clare here?"
"He is checking out at the moment. Would you like me to call him down here?"
"No. Thank you. I'll just catch him next time he's in town."
I left and sat on my chopper and waited. He came out with a single person security detail. When the car was started I started my chopper and followed it to outside Riverdale and decided now was as good as any time to strike. So I pulled a switch blade from my jacket and tossed it at the front tire causing it to violently spin and roll. I stopped my chopper ten feet behind the wreckage, got off and approached it and picked up the switch while walking. I pulled my foldable baton and extended it with a flick. Nick crawled out of the passenger window and his security guard lay dead twenty yards ahead of the wreckage.
He looked up at me as I was still wearing my helmet and I knocked him out with a sudden swing of the baton. Pulled off his tie and tied his wrists together. Then pulled a spark plug wire and tied his feet together, I retrieved his guards firearm and put in my jacket. Then picked up Nicks unconscious body and put it on the back of my chopper then headed to a secluded spot I found while coming to Riverdale. I stopped by an old dilapidated barn and took a shovel then continued to the spot. It soon started raining by the time I got there.
I pushed Nick off the back of my chopper and kicked his ass awake. "Get up." I cut the wire around his feet. "I said, get up!" I pulled him to his feet. Cut his tie off his wrists and handed him the shovel and pointed out into a clear area. He looked and realized what I was making him do. I pulled his guards gun. "Start digging." I shot his ear. "I won't say it again." He walked over and started digging.
"Your in so much trouble. My parents won't rest until they find me or punish the one responsible for my disappearance."
"Did I say talk or dig. I'm sure I said dig. You see I know all about what your parents have done and their troubles and problems are just getting started. So I'm sure they'll be busy with all the lawsuits of aiding and abetting a serial rapist will drum up. So either way live or dead. Your parents pay for covering for your mistakes and stupidity is only going to get worse."
"Your bluffing." He smiled.
"Have you ever looked into the eyes of a king cobra. I have. Cold calculating and deadly. I had a plate number ran as I went back to the Wyrm and what should I find out that the car was rented by you. And unlike the so many times you're parents covered for you and bailed you out. This time. Your in my realm. My house." Nicks smile started vanishing by the second as I continued. "Out here there's no corrupt officials or judges or jurors to be bought or scared into submission. Out here there is only you and me. No witnesses. No law. Only natural law." He actually started crying. "Now keep. Digging." He dug a six foot hole and I walked over to it as he tossed the shovel out and tried to climb out until I pushed him back into it. "You should have focused more on leaving Riverdale than to go after Cheryl once more. Now it's on me to balance the books." I shot his knees and arms. "Are you religious at all?" He looked up at me scared. "No. Ah well." I loaded another round and started praying out loud. "God our father, ah. You know the rest." I shot him in the head and stowed the gun in my Cobra Kings jacket and started filling in the hole. Once I was done I went back to Thistle House.

Toni met me outside as did the rest of the Serpents.
"You okay?" She asked.
"Yeah. Just tired. And dirty." I smiled as Toni calmed down.
"I'm just glad you're safe and sound."
Sweet Pea approached me. "So will St Clare be coming back?"
"No. He won't ever."
"Cheryl wants to see you by the way." Toni grinned. She led me upstairs and to Cheryl's room.
"Daniel. You and Toni saved my life. I don't know how I can thank you. Both of you." She looked to Toni. "Can I speak to Daniel alone Toni?" Toni nodded and kissed my cheek. Then left the room. Closing the door behind her. "I know you took a huge risk going after Nick alone. Please tell me he's gone. Forever."
"He's dead and buried. And only I know where." I told her. She could tell that I was being serious. "What did you do?"
"Took care of him. Like I did the rapist in Idaho Falls." She was stunned.
"Oh my. You have had a rough year haven't you?" I nodded.
"Second time I've had to kill to keep innocent people safe."
"Does Toni know?"
"Not yet." I answered honestly. "And you're not going to tell her. Tomorrow night at the Whyte Wyrm. I'll be telling you all everything about me." She ran into my arms and hugged me. "It's okay." Then Toni came in. "I'm glad you like her babe because she's my girlfriend and your my boyfriend." I smiled at that news.
"How much did you hear?" I asked her.
"All of it. But don't worry. I won't tell anyone."
"Well. Let's just get it over with. Have all the Serpents and the rest of the gang meet at the Whyte Wyrm. I might as well tell it right now." Toni and Cheryl smiled as they stood on either side of me.

Everyone from Archie to Veronica and the South Side Serpents gathered at the Whyte Wyrm. And I was nervous as hell about telling what really happened in Idaho Falls. And just tonight.

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