Title: Admath ( Tips )
Ni just apa yg sy ambik drpd kata2 cikgu. Sy ubah sikit ikut kefahaman sy.
• kalau korg dah dpt kertas exam. Cuba tgk yg mana korang dpt markah paling tinggi. Jumpa?
Soalan yg korang dpt full mark ataupun dpt markah itulah kekuatan korang. Masterkan dulu soalan itu. Soalan yg kita terer kita buat dulu.
Kemudian baru lah buat soalan mengikut markah yg kita dpt. Drpd 5markah kpd tiada markah.• cikgu ada ckp jugak ulangkaji soalan thn2 lepas. Buat bnyk kali. Buat 3 kali soalan itu, dgn jawapan yg betul. Cikgu ada ckp yg buat 3 kali ingat sampai ada la bbrp bulan camtu.
• Kita kena ada target nak dpt brp utk Admath ni. Kalau target lulus, maka keputusannya x lulus😂. So kn target tinggi lah. Cth target A , dpt B. Mungkin lah.
• Utk kertas 2 , pastikan full mark utk bhg C. Bahagian A tu k-bat kalau x silap. So fokus utk Bhg B & C.
*Sy ni bnyk kali je x lulus admath sebenarnya. Tapi saya tak nak drop subject ni. Why? Sebab sy tak usaha sungguh2 pun. Dah hampir dua thn kita bljr , takkan nak sia2 kan aje pengorbanan kita selama ni. Setiap keputusan ada di tgn korang.
" Don't give up!
Prove the people that you can success it. No matter what happens
Keep going and achieve your goals!"Tu je kut. Sy harap ia bermanfaat utk korang.
Sometimes we heard that this subject is a killer subject
Well to me...
It pretty fun actually
If we understand the concept
The important is enjoy doing it
So you will not being stressed or boring doing that because you enjoy it
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