Tips for Exam

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Dedicated to Account Student only.

1. Sepanjang korang belajar account, please buat nota yg paling ringkas. Ataupun korang cari buku rujukan account utk f4 & f5 yg paling senang korang nak faham. ( Jgn terlalu tebal tau!)

2. Account ni bnyk format , so hadam betul2 format yg ada.

3. Kena ada satu buku latihan. Buat latihan 2 kali setiap minggu. Make sure to finish that exercise book before last exam.

4. Paper 1 - get use to question
( Do a lot of exercise, just answer the question even though you don't read all the things. After finish it, you search back the true answer by using text book )

Paper 2 - Memorise the format
*I have found a book that contains format for account, so get that book immediately!
You also can write back the format in your note book*

5. Sebelum exam, tengok dan faham korang punya kerja kursus yg dah siap buat. ( Copy in your computer)

6. Please read the question properly!

7. Kalau tak faham terus tanya, tak kesah la tanya direct atau personal.

8. Paling penting, jaga hubungan dgn Allah, your  parents and teachers. Respect parents, teachers and friends!

Account subject
Is easy if you're understand it
Well, it is a law of account
Accountant is a professional job
An exclusive course
But remember this
We learned account
Because of Allah, Islam
Struggle with it and keep learning
So we can improve our country
Improve our economy in money management
We could overcome the economy crisis , and had a bright future

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