The one and only part

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Mira, where are you going?" Alexandra called after her best friend. She struggled to keep up with Mira's pace as they swam through the Coral Village.
"I'm going to set this all straight. I've had enough." Mira called back. Her voice trailed off in the distance between the two mermaids. Alexandra looked ahead and saw the golden locks of her best friend as she swam toward the Village Square. Soon her friend would be lost in crowd of sea creatures so Alexandra kicked her fins as quickly as she could. She began to gain on her friend.
"What makes you think the Dictator will listen to you? Plus, how do you plan to persuade an entire panel of cephalopods? They hate the mermaids. That's why we've been living in oppression for so long." Alexandra did her best to talk her boisterous friend out of whatever plan she had secretly devised.
"I'm so sick of this. I'm sixteen. I'm old enough to make my own choices and decisions. Why must I serve these nasty creatures?" Mira slowed down to look at her friend. Her blue eyes glistened in the light of the sea. They were large and round.
"Mira, it's all part of our history. You know why we serve the dictator and his team of tentacles." Alexandra reminded Mira of the fact that Hostile Mermaid History was the only true subject that the girls were taught in school.
"It just isn't fair''. You and I were not behind the nasty stories that were passed down orally for centuries about the cephalopods. Why do we have to pay the price?" Mira crossed her arms across her chest bumping the teal bra that she had made herself from shells she had found at the discount shell shop.
"No one ever said it was fair or justified. Nothing ever is here. But, it's their reasoning. Don't think for one second that a head strong sixteen year old will change the way things have been for so long." The two girls moved closer to the town square. Their tones became hushed as they feared being overheard by the average passerby.
"Then let's run away." Mira's eyes drifted to the distance as she entertained the idea in her mind. A devious smile creeped itself across her face.
"What are you two girls doing in the square unaccompanied?" A large squid dressed in his official uniform came within a tentacle's reach from Alexandra. She moved back subtly.
"We are sixteen, Sir. And we've only come to speak with the Dictator." Mira spoke matter-of-factly.
"Sixteen or not the Dictator will never hear from two young mermaids unsummoned. Run along to the village and get to work." The officer spoke haughtily toward the girls.
Before she could respond the squid made a lunge toward the girls. Mira acted quickly pushing her friend out of the squid's grasp. Taking Alexandra by the arm she pushed her way past the squid toward the large public square in the distance. The squid was caught off guard and soon lost the two mermaids in the sea of creatures going to and from the shops and reefs.

Isabella Olivia Garibay

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2018 ⏰

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