lysandre was greating ua as we explore the lab.I was walking pass chespie room with marrin in the room.I walk in the room
"how is he doing"I said.
"he should be doing better soon alain said he is getting maga evlovon(sorry if I miss spelled that)for chespie"mairin said.
"good"I said then celam came to get me to leave and marrin said that she wanted to stay for chespie.as we where leaving gerninja and I wanted to battle some pokemon.
Gerninja P.O.V
me and {name} where ganna battle celam and his chesnausht and we won even though thay had a type evange over us but we still won and {name} had to call jake and tess and alex I miss them me and eevee that is now a vaporeon have been rivals for a long time and good friends.
"what pokemon will you choose {name}"mom said to {name}
"I pick frokie "{name} said to the porfeser
"hi frokie"she said
"wanna battle"jake said
"sure"{name} said
"go eevee"jake said
"take the stage frokie"my trainer yelled
"you evolved"{name}said
"froga"I said
It was when we battle the 2 gym
"gerninja"I said
"wow so cool"she said
"were ganna get stonger and stonger"me and my trainer said at same time
we trun into {name}-gerninja and the eclipces grunt was surprised at this new tranforme
"we won"my trainer said
~flashback end~
Im so happy we got are end
Me:well I got a lot more to write
Iron-spider:i can help if you want?
*Scarlet gets jelly*
Ayla:he is ;3
Scalet:no punks
*Ayla slaps scarlet and run away with cherry*
Scarlet:*get stingers*you dead
Me:well ganna end the chapter now so BBBBYYYYYYEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
pokemon brick bronze + reader
مغامرة{name} was going around the Roria with her gerninja aka{name}-gerninja and be came chamion and also save jake.Jake and tess got married after a few years seens they stop team Eclipes.{name} went to kalos and meet some people vary import in her life...