Diary of a Wimpy kid: Patty Farrell's anger Management

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Another boring day at stupid west more middle school according to Patty. The students were sitting in class doing work, Fregley was picking his nose next to Patty, Patty told him to stop "Umm Fregley can you stop picking your nose its grossing me out" Fregley replied to Patty "no its a free country". Patty *sighs "Ugh Fregley is such an idiot". Patty can feel her heart pumping really fast like she's gonna blow in anger "FREGLEY STOP I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE PICKING YOUR NOSE IS GROSS". Then Fregley stoped, The teacher told Patty to breathe, but she was still angry. The teacher asked if he can talk to Patty in the hall, Patty followed the teacher "Well this should be good". The teacher asked Patty what was happening, Patty replied " Well.....Fregley was picking his nose.....and I told him to stop then he said No this is a free country........then so I blew out at him.......and I'm sorry for that". The teacher was rubbing Patty's waist trying to get her to calm down....and so Patty calmed down. The teacher asked Patty if she was ready for recess, Patty replied "Yes I'm ready for recess". the teacher patted Patty's back "alright girl".

Patty ran out for recess. She looked around trying to find the girls until she was running Greg bumped into her, then they both fell " GREG WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT????? " yelled Patty. Greg replied "Im sorry Patty I didn't see you". Patty's face was red "WELL BE MORE CAREFUL NEXT TIME". Patty chases after greg "OH YOU WILL BE SORRY". Greg "what did I do I'm sorry". Until Patty just took a deep breath and left greg alone. Until Patty got off the bus, and she ran up to her room crying, Patty's mom opened the door "Patty honey are you okay?". Patty growled "no I'm not". Patty's mom sat next to Patty and hugged her and kissed her cheek and said " your beautiful you know that right Patty", Patty replied "yea I know that". Patty asked her mom "mom do you think I have anger problems???" Patty was very concerned about her anger. Patty's mom said to Patty " awww honey" she pulled Patty closer and rubbed her shoulder "you don't have anger issues", Patty replied " yes I do mom...I got so mad at Fregley after when we just had that fun sleepover because he was picking his nose.......then I got mad at Greg for running into me". Patty's mom said to Patty "well honey....your dad and I were thinking.....putting you in anger management ". Patty paused and looked puzzled "Anger management......whats that????". Patty's mom explained it to Patty " they help you manage your anger in a healthier way". Patty looked puzzled "so??.....these people help you with your anger????" said Patty. The mom said "yes" and they will love you, Patty was wondering "are they nice????", Patty's mom knotted her head "Yes they will Love a Cute girl like you", the mom grabbed Patty's cheeks "you are very cute Patty". Patty said "Yea so I guess anger management is the place for me....By the way Mom Im hungry". Patty's mom said to Patty "what do you wanna eat??".Patty replied "umm...anything thats easy on My Stomach". Patty's mom said "ok do u want a sub?". Patty replied "sure".

The very next morning Patty woke up and her mom walked in "Good morning sweetheart", Patty rolled over "hi Mom". Patty's mom sat next to Patty and said "you have your first day of anger management". Patty woke up got her clothes on, Brushed her teeth, ate breakfast, " Patty don't rush anger class is like 20 minutes away " Patty kept eating and she swallowed her food *gulp* "Mom but what about school????", Patty's mom said "Patty after anger management....Ill drop you off". Patty Burped and blocks her mouth " sorry mom ", Patty's mom laughed at Patty " thats because you Drank your coffee fast ", Patty replied "Probably". Patty's mom told Patty to get into the car, for the first day of anger management. Patty was very nervous and shy, her head felt full and her heart was pumping like a lightning strike she was the only Female in there , her stomach felt tight and she sat in a seat next to Anthony miller that she knew from her school, Patty gulped and she could feel her heart without touching her chest, Patty pushed her bangs out of her face, then the teacher welcomed the class back and mentioned they have a new student. The teacher told Patty to stand up in front of the whole class. Patty introduced herself "Hi *gulps* Im P-P-Patty F-Farrell t-two R-rs two Ls", Patty sat down all nervously The Teacher Mr Tyrone, he was the anger management teacher. He was teaching the kids a healthy way to be mad, and an unhealthy way to be mad. Patty had a lot of things in her mind, she understood what the teacher was saying. Patty felt a tickle in her nose she had to sneeze " AHHHH-CCHHOOOOOOOO", The whole class said "Bless you Patty". Then the teacher went to teaching.

Patty felt a vibrate on her phone, she pulled it out and texted her mom back, then she put it away. Mr Tyrone asked the students what makes each and one of them angry, then he asked Patty. Patty replied "well this kid at my school named Greg, when people get in my way, and when people annoy me, and when I don't get my way". Patty felt better for letting it out, The teacher gave Patty great advice, He told Patty to come with him. Patty and Mr Tyrone walked in the hall together talking about how Patty gets angry so he said " Patty once you feel that anger trying to get you........Try to count to ten....and try taking ten deep breaths...what also helps you when you breathe.....sit down in a quiet place then place you hand on your belly, then you can feel your air.......and another thing try to fidget on something too.....so Patty what do you like to fidget on????". Patty replied " well I like to fidget on a lot of things.....slime, my hair, um my fingers, um basically I fidget on everything I see.....Im a hands on learner.....eating also calms me down....um also talking to someone calms me down" said Patty. Mr Tyrone asked Patty "How many times have you been getting angry?", Patty said " well I've been getting angry a lot.....over little things......Im sorry I can not control it......I got angry two times today.....1. when this kid won stop picking his nose, 2. when this other kid ran into me at recess, and I cant control myself.

Back at the school Mr DrayBick was going over the list to see who's here and who's not, and everyone recognized that Patty Farrell was missing. Everyone panicked, "Quilet down Patty is just at anger management....her mom told me" said the teacher. Now that everyone knows that Patty goes to anger management thanks for her teacher now Greg will make fun of her, Patty's mom was here picking her up and bringing Patty to school " how was your first class Patty?", Patty replied "It was actually better than I expected.....the teacher taught me lots of tips on how to calm me down.....Now ill try not to get angry in school and listen to Mr Tyrone my anger management Teacher" said Patty. Until her mom dropped her off at school. Patty unpacked her bag and grabs her books and went to her second class Science with a big smile on her face

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2018 ⏰

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