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Author's Note: Wattpad is forcing me to update regularly and I couldn't be more grateful. 

Shoutout to EllenFairyBlue4 and Wolf1072 for commenting and voting on Full Moon. You guys rock. I'm sending you all of the flowers. 

Also, don't forget to vote and comment if you like it! And add Full Moon to your reading list so you don't miss the updates. Enjoy! ^_^ 


"You have a lot of explaining to do!" Dana exclaimed as she put down her lunchtray very indelicately at Ernest's table. The boy froze, his fork midway to his mouth. He then internally swore, before sighing. He'd been avoiding Dana all morning, knowing that the girl would remember him telling her that he didn't know who Ben was.

Unfortunately, his prediction had been correct: the redhead remembered and intended to confront him about it. Great.

"Ah?" That was all he could think of saying. Part of him still assured himself that he was wrong, and kept telling that Dana couldn't possibly care enough to remember such a tiny, unimportant detail.

"I thought you didn't know him." Wrong.

"Play dumb, Ernest."


"Ben, that's who! So I want to know why you lied."

"Well, I uhm..." Ernest began to stutter, feeling increasingly nervous. He didn't want to tell Dana about what had happened last time, and all the other times from before she'd joined the school. She knew he often got bullied, hell, nowadays, they sometimes got bullied together, but for some reason, this felt different; he just didn't want her to know. Besides, how had he met Ben? After all, it's not like they were complete strangers before he intervened with Eric, not at all in fact. Ben had often greeted him in the hallways.

Despite sometimes hanging out with people whose sole purpose in life seemed to be making Ernest's life a living hell, he'd never participate. More often than not, the blond tried to put a stop to it, or bring his pals' attention elsewhere so that they'd leave Ernest alone. The boy had always appreciated him for it, and of course, he admired this even more considering how popular and overall successful the blond was. Somehow, the looks and accomplishments didn't seem to get to his head, and he remained simple and pleasant, even to utter outcasts like him.

"How did I meet Ben?" Before he could mentally answer his own question, however, Dana made him snap back to reality.

"I'm waiting, McClain."


"Well, I uhm—" He stuttered. Thankfully for him, some higher being must have heard his plight, because just at that moment, a voice cut into their conversation.

"Am I interrupting something?" That voice ... Ernest's heart skipped a beat, making him inwardly swear. Trying to ignore how jumpy he felt, the boy forced himself not to look up at the person who was now standing right before him, aside Dana.

"BEN!" The redhead exclaimed, making the blond laugh. She acted as if they'd been best friends for years, and yet they had met just the day before. Ernest noticed how bright Dana's green eyes were, how they shined with some kind of glow, some type of unconditional love and kindness which had moved him from the moment he'd first met her. And now, as her chin rose proudly and her freckled nose slightly wrinkled in a mixture of joy and amusement at Ben's laughter, Ernest realized that for that one moment, he couldn't have possibly asked for anything else. The world seemed right and complete at last.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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