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Hii! So this book used to be The Kissing Booth||BWS but i didnt think that was a unique idea so i changed it completley... the comments from this story are old and im still creating the book, its currently 8th March 2019 and im hella active. I hope this book is much better than the other one i started, lots of love!x

Urgh. School. Who likes it? I find the concept of school pointless. Maths? We will use a calculator. Sceince? Google. English? As long as we know the basics it doesn't matter. As I lay tucked underneath my sheets somebody creaked open my door.
"Ooohhh what a beautiful morninggg, oh what a beautiful dayyy" My mum came twirling into my room, a washbasket underneath one arm and the other arm flailing around in the air, somebody was happy. She dumped the washbasket on my bed -the clothes practically bouncing out of it and onto my duvet- and yanked open my curtians, oh how she loves me.
"Mum can you accept the fact that im a moody teenager and im not going to school today? And NO that is not negotiable?" I pulled the covers further over my head untill I was completley submerged in the depths of my duvet.
"Oh come on Georgia! Its the first day back, you could be atleast a little bit happy! You get to see your friends after so long, and a little birdy told me that Brad is going to be joining the school today. Hes pretty cute isnt he? Eh, eh?" She started what she thought was tickling me through the duvet, personally i see it as more of a torturous way to get me out of bed but i went with it. I threw my head back in laughter untill i eventually got out of bed and shoved my mum(and the washbasket) out of my room. I changed into my school clothes and dragged myself down stairs to consume some food.

When i got downstairs i was quite shocked to see that mum had set out her fancy placemats, plates and cutlery for me.
"Grubs up buffles!" She spooned about a ton of scrambled eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, fried tomatoes and many more luxurious foods onto my plate. I suppose she isnt that bad. The smell wafted through my nose and i couldn't resist the temptation to just smother my face in it.
"Mmmm mum this smells lush! Thankyouu" She shot me a wink and a nod as a way of saying 'Its okay', I gobble my food down and head up stairs to pack my bag for school, but it just so happened that i couldn't find the most important thing i wanted, my phone.
"Shit shit shit shit shiiiiittt!" I flung all my pillows of my bed untill i finally heard a vibration. I followed the buzz untill i found my phone underneath my bed. Id had one missed call from Brad. Brad? I unlocked my phone and rang him back;
"Brad, hey, what do you want?"
"Georgia come outside nowww, ive been waiting bloody years!"
"What a shame. I didnt know you were waiting for me"
"Of course i am! Im shitting myself for today, i need a friendly face"
"Fine. Im coming"
I ran down the stairs, slid my shoes on and grabbed the key from the side,
As i opened the door i was greeted by Brad leaning up against the door frame with one arm and the other one scrolling through his phone. Fuck. He looked fit. Even though i shouldn't think that because hes just a friend...
"Hey gorgeous" he winked, i shone him a teethy smile in return.
"Ready?" I asked,
"As ill ever be" he replied.
We made our way down the alley that leads to the road to school, just as we were about to turn down the alley Brad interlocked his arms with mine, i gave him a questioning look and i got a nervous smile in response, i took the hint that he was nervous for his first day and didnt un lock our arms.

After about 10-15 minutes we arrived at school,
"Right, so, do you know where your going? Do you know where your tutor is?"
"No and no" he replied,
"Okay, show me your timetable and ill show you around, he ruffled around in his bag untill he eventually found his timetable, i took it off him and read through it,
"Brad! Its great! Your in all my classes but were not in the same tutor, your in Z9 and im X5, the room isnt far away from reception, tell reception who you are and they will sign you in and then ill show you to your tutor. Sound good?" Brad looked a little overwhelmed but he went with it and followed me to reception. Brad knocked on the receptionists window and she slid it open,
"Hi, whats up?" The receptionist asked,
"Hi, im Brad Simpson, im a new student, i was told i have to sign in here before i go anywhere"
"Yes yes thats right" she asked Brad a few more questions, it didn't take too long,
"So, Brad, have you got your timetable?"
"Yeah ive got that, thanks"
"No problem, come back here if you need anything" she beamed a smile at Brad and Brad half heartedly smiled back. Aww, he was so nervous.
"Yup, show me the way" I lead him to his tutor and got him settled,
"Wait outside here once tutors over and ill come get you and we can go to first lesson together"
"Thankyou Georgia, i couldn't cope without you" I gave him a quick one armed hug and made my way to my tutor. As i walked down the corridor back to reception i heard a few girls mumble, they just so happened to be 'those' girls.
"Omg have you seen the new boy? Hes soooo hot! Did you see that girl who hugged him?" I heard one of them say,
"Omg i did! I bet shes his fuckbuddy"
"What a slag!"
Oh for godssake, it hasn't even been a day and people are already spreading rumors about me and Brad.

Tutor finshed and I went to meet Brad outside the classroom, i got a few suspicious looks along the way, urgh.
"Hey!" Brad looked so relieved to see me, and it made me happy to see him happy.
"How was tutor?"
"Not bad, the girls were all over me"
I rolled my eyes,
"Im a man im allowed to be horny, okay?" He laughed,
"I know i know" i laughed back at him,
"Ok, so, first lesson is Geography, we have Mrs.Jones for geography, shes really nice so if you give her puppy eyes and ask her really nicely she might let you sit next to me"
"Sounds like a plan"
We entered the classroom and I was greeted by some waves and friendly smiles whereas Brad was greeted by Lip bites and wolf whistles.

I took my normal seat in the lesson and got my things out, only to later be greeted by a very happy Brad, he politely asked the girl next to me to move to another seat and she did with no hesitation. He got handed a new book by the teacher and got the rest of his things out. It was only halfway through the lesson i realised that Brad had a real thing for Geography, he was listening really intently throughout the whole lesson, and had his hand up a lot.
"Gahh this is such an amazing school, thankyou for everything youve done so far" He placed his hand on the top of my leg and gave it a slight squeeze as a thanks, as soon as his hand connected with my leg butterflies exploded in my stomach and i didnt realise but id flustered a deep crimson. I think Brad realised why because he moved his hand and got back to his work.

The end of the lesson came soon enough, i packed my bag, tucked my chair under and made my way out of the classroom, momentarily forgetting about Brad, my eyes scanned the crowds of people for Brad untill i eventually saw him with someone, so it turns out he had forgotten about me too. I pushed through everybody untill i reached him,
"Brad, do you wanna know where second lesson is?" My heart sank a little bit when i saw who he was with, it was Zoeey, only the prettiest most prissy and popular girl in the school,
"Um thanks Georgia but Zoeey has offered to show me around, cheers though, ill see you at the end of the day at Reception yeah?"
"Uh yeah ok. Text me if you need me"
He gave me a small smile and walked off with Zoeey. Why was i feeling jealous? I dont know, Brad is NOT my type. I walked to second lesson and took my place, hoping that i could just forget about Brad, but did that work? No. Not at all.

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