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2 weeks have passed since me and Brad became a 'thing', honestly its been wierd since then but in a nice way. He comes up behind me in the corridor and wraps his arms around me from behind, that ones a winner every time, ive realised hes started to say things quietly in my ear too, it kinda turns me on.
"Hey baby" speak of the devil, i spin around on my heels and brad pulls me close to him, squeezing me in a big hug, i wrap my arms back around him and rest my head on his chest, the smell of his deodorant wafting into my nose, i could fall asleep on him,
"Babe, you cant fall alseep on me untill tonight" i lift my head from his chest and look at him with puppy eyes, cupping my face in his hands he kisses me gently and lets me go to my lesson.
I miss him already.
The end of the day came soon enough, Brad joined me just as i was about to get on the bus, linking arms with me, very chatty as usual. There was something different about him, you know when you just feel like something isnt right, but cant place a finger on what it is? Thats me right now with Brad. I hadnt really been listening to what he was saying but as i was fading back into reality Brad was about to walk me to my bus,
"So you think its a good idea yeah?" Shit.
"Yeah sounds good"
"I knew you werent listening, i didnt even say anything yet you still think its a good idea, should i keep my mouth zipped for the rest of my life then yeah?" He winked and me and the smile on my face grew wider,
"Sorry" he smiled at me and pulled me in for a hug, he didnt smell of his normal scent, he smelt like a sort of bonfire, an ashy smell, like what ash clouds would smell like,
"Brad , have you been smoking or something? You smell a bit funny"
His face dropped, lifting me up from under my armpits me placed me on the 2nd step of the bus and signalled for the bus driver to leave. I made my way to a seat at the back of the bus, just as the driver set off i saw brad pull a fag out of his pocket and light it. It seems like such a silly thing but smoking is something i really disagree with, i wish he could of just told me so i could help him through it.

All night i wanted to call him. All. Night. I ran myself a bath and did some revision, roughly half an hour later my bath was full, almost over flowing in fact. Packing my revision away I had an incoming call from Brad, i stood and stared at my phone, debating whether to pick it up or let it ring. It rang and rang, the sound echoing through my head, i slid the answer button upwards, i didnt want to say anything, i wanted to hear what hr had to say. I placed the phone on my chest of drawers and took some fresh clothes out for after my bath, with my phone in one hand and clothes in the other i started walking to the bathroom, Brad was silent, i was too. Putting my clothes on the toilet lid and my phone on the windowsill. Peeling my clothes from my body i tossed them on the floor, dipping my feet in, then my legs, my chest, everything untill my whole body except my head was under the water, the heat burnt me, making my skin itch and turn red, the pain felt good to me. Brad still hadnt said anything and i wasnt going to be the first to say anything.
After a few more minutes he started to speak,
"Are you mad at me?"
I said nothing.
"Ill take that as a yes, you shouldn't even be mad, why are you mad because of that? Okay i can understand why but seriously please dont let this bug you, Georgia, Georgia? For gods sake im coming round " he hung up and i stayed in the bath, processing everything that had just come out of his mouth. After slightly rushing my bath, i ran to my room ans tidied it then rushed downstairs and attempted to tidy up the mess id made beforehand. Halfway through hoovering a huge bang shocked me, making me drop the hoover, temporarily forgetting Brad was coming around i ran to the front door and had a look through the peep hole, He was stood there in all his sexy glory, my legs turned to absolute jelly and its like i forgot how to stand, i fell on the floor, smacking my head of the front door on my way down, Brad obviously heard me fall and bashed on the door even harder, i was screaming, crying in agony, brad had run around the back of the house, knowing the door was unlocked, sprinting in he cradled me in his arms, god im so accident prone, fast walking to the lounge brad placed me on the sofa, propping my head up, quickly getting a tea towel from the kitchen he wrapped it around my head to collect the blood. He was on the phone, calling an ambulance, oh the memories of the last time this happened. I was on the verge of passing out and all i could see were brads honey eyes looking longingly into mine, one of his arms around my stomach and one around my head, supporting it still.
The ambulance came quickly, before i passed out all i could hear were brads shouts to the paramedics , begging to come with me,
"Her parents arent home, im all shes got!"
"Im sorry sir but unless you are related we cant let you in the ambulance"
"Fuck you guys!"
I needed him, like a classic 80's rom com i called out his name,
"Brad, stay with me"
He pushed passed the paramedics and came and held my hand, not listening to anyone who told him otherwise. This man. Ive been blessed.

Sweet Nothings - Brad SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now