🥀The Unknown Blog/ Going on Hiatus🔥

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Peter lay on the couch groaning in annoyance. He was bored. Like really bored. Even tinkering in the lab had him bored.

So he decided the next person who walks through the door will be his partner in crime for a prank.

But a new thought came to mind when Bucky walked in.

You see Steve and Bucky were slowly getting used to modern-day technology and it was a WHOLE lot easier for Bucky to catch on.

And since Peter knows Bucky is a surprisingly funny man, he'd teach him how to make a hilarious Tumblr blog, which would also link to a twitter account.

This could either go really well or very badly. He'll deal with the backlash of it latter.

"Hey, Uncle Bucky what's up?!" Oh did I forget to mention Peter calls all the Avengers aunt and uncle ever since Tony and Strange adopted Peter?

Bucky smiles when he saw his favorite nephew.

"Not much just bored out of my mind. What bout you kiddo?" Bucky asks, walking into the kitchen. He pulls out a big jar of cookies and walks back to the living room, sitting near Peter, handing him a cookie.

"Really bored out of my mind but I've been thinking," Peter says, slowly sitting up, gladly taking the cookie. He bites into it smiling. It was his favorite type. Soft and chewy. But not too soft where it falls apart.

"When aren't you thinking kid? I swear you scare us when you're not thinking." Bucky chuckles, eating his second cookie.

"Haha very funny. Well since you and Steve have been getting used to technology I was wondering if you'd like to know what a blog is." Peter suggests with a confident smile.

"A blog?" Bucky asks, tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy.

"Yeah, a blog its were basically a website containing a writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites. You can post funny stuff, sad stuff, whatever you want! And if you don't want people to know it's you we can give you a fake name." Peter says excitably. He takes another cookie.

Bucky continues eating his cookies, staring at the TV with a blank expression. He does this when he's deep in thought.

"I would like that. But what would my username be?" Bucky agrees with a small smile. Peter's face splits into a grin.

"You leave that to me!"

~The Blog~


What is wrong with bananas. I ate a banana today and it was wrong. America why?


Every time I put on eye make up it gets bigger. My whole face is eyeliner now.


Why does friendship feel so much like punching?


When I wake up in the middle of the night I am either thinking 'who am I? does my life have meaning?' or 'did I already eat all of the plums?'


I know I said I would give my left arm for a cup of coffee but I am more awake now and I would like my arm back.


I guess I must have done something horrible in a past life. I mean, I definitely did something horrible in this life, so.

Peter has never been prouder of himself. He had accidentally made Bucky a meme lord and he loved it. The stuff Bucky posted even surprised him.

Natasha eventually found the blog and showed the rest but not even she the black widow was able to figure out it was Bucky.

"GUYS THEDEADLYASSASSINJOKES POSTED AGAIN!" Tony yelled out. Everyone checked their phones just as they got a notification. Peter and Bucky shared a look smiling.

This would be their little secret.


Hey everyone it's you're favorite author back with some sad news.

I am going to go on a hiatus. 

I lost my inspiration, motivation, for this book long ago. And I tried forcing myself to continue writing but as you can all see with my recent chapters It's not the best.

I tried, I really truly did. I didn't want to leave the book that started it all. I didn't want to give up on the book that saved my life countless times but I need a break.

My mind as I have stated before is not the best. I can't get help for reasons I will not disclose but I try my best to think positive, I try my best to act okay even if I'm not.

If any of you ever need me, and I mean this, do not hesitate to text me. I will continue replying to texts and I will write down any requests for the future when I have my inspiration again.

I love you all so so much. And thank you for everything.

Until next time my loves, my demons.


~Raven Hellfire~

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