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I think you need to close yo mouth

Cuz you aint gon tie me down, tie me down, tie me down

You aint gon tie me down'

I sang our favorite song as turn back to the person and see Israel with a disappointment on his face.

"Awe, come on the bet is not even that bad. Just spill your heart out about me." He stays silent while staring at the screen. I wait as I know he's collecting what he wants to say. After a couple a minutes he finally spoke.

"Okay, so um.. I thought you were really ugly as fuck and hella chubby when I first saw you in 4th grade but as we got to know each other in 6th grade after you seating next to me I still thought your ugly but not as bad since I got use to seeing your face. Still chubby though. As I saw more of you and your life after 2 years... I start hating the fact that I can't help you to forget everything and make happy memories for you instead cause you deserve it, despite your cold feature at first you have a hella big warm heart that shouldn't be taken advantage of and also I'm one of those who are stupid as fuck that fail every class with an F and get in trouble a lot that doesn't know how to express my feeling good like you... but I want to promise you that... I'll be so smart that I'll somehow make your life happy without all the suffering and we'll start over." Israel finish as he turn to me with an embarrass face.

"Fuck you." I say as I grab a pillow and throw it at him, but he blocks it.

"What did I do now?"

"Look you making me tear up stupid!! I never get tear up or cry." I point at my eyes.

"Awe, Bro hug." He says as he get up and we do our 'cholo gang' handshake and then hug as we hit each other back. I love how we can change from anything to back to being cool, we sit back down on my bed and start playing again. After a couple of couple he suddenly spoke again.

"Let runaways."

"Huh?'" I turn to him not know if I heard him right. He pauses and put down the remote and turns to me.

"Let runaway to California, I know someone that will help us out."

"Are fucking serious?"

"I'm fucking serious and hot." He grins.

"Not even." we laugh as I bump into his shoulder.

"But really, we'll sneak out at night and I'll have everything ready."

"Israel we're both 14 and trust me I can handle my life right now even though is shit but I know it'll get better one day." He looks both of my eyes still not believing me.

"If it doesn't and I can't take it no more then I'll tell you and we'll both start over."


"Hella Promise." We link our finger then we ended up doing pinky wrestle.


"So um.... this is my room and I have a Playstation and an Xbox and some video game over in that box you can choose from." I explain to him as he awkwardly nodded and walk over to the box.

"Do you want some Hot Cheeto?" I ask as I open a dresser hidden with junk food.

"Yes." I heard him answer as I pull a bag of hot cheeto, then I pull a lemon bottle and a hot sauce took it over to my bed. I open the chip and mix them with lemon and sauce.

Forgetfulness (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now