Chapter 2

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Janetha's POV

"You know Spartans are supposed to be war fighting and not falling head over heels for some random Spartan right?" Remy, my AI, told me.

"I know. But he saved me Remy." I growled. I couldn't stop thinking about how Spartan 117 had risked his life to save me. If we loose Spartans that just proves that they need to train harder. "And you have no control over how I feel." I said.

"But you are going to get killed in battle Janetha. We cannot afford to loose perfectly good Spartans on some weak Hunters." Remy explained.

"Whatever. Your not the boss of me." I told the AI. "When can my armor be fixed?"

"When we get back to the base." Remy informed.

"Thanks." I pulled off my helmet and my hair dropped down to my neck. When I became a Spartan they had it cut short. My eyes sparkled when I thought of J117. I thought Remy said something but my helmet wasn't on so I didn't hear her.


"Let's beat some Covenant ass." I growled as the pelican dropped us down.

"Janetha our objective is to find the marines and protect them." Remy ordered.

I launched out of the pelican and threw a grenade. It landed beside a group of curious Grunts. They stupidly grabbed it and sniffed it. The grenade blew, and the Grunts were decapitated. A Major Elite fired his Plasma Rifle at me. I pulled out my Assault Rifle and blasted him in the face. My armor protection was brought down when a Jackle blasted me at full power with a Plasma Pistol.

I grabbed the Jackle and snapped it's head around, killing it instantly. I looked around. Most of the Covenant retreated. I tensed. That means they will be back, with more Hunters. I ran up to a rock slide. There was protection for many people, and they could fit through each space. I ran to the top of the hill.

"We thought we would never see you!"

"You found us!"

"Enemy drop ships, on approach!" Remy notified. I looked up. A Spirit (Covenant drop ship) flew overhead.

"Snipers, get in position. Marines, stay back till I give the order." I commanded. I walked over to the edge of the rockfall. The Covenant dropped out of the ship quickly, and started inspecting the area. I heard the Snipers ready their Sniper Rifles, and one pulled the trigger making a sound that echoed around clearing. Three of the Major Elites dropped dead. The Grunts ran around frantically, and a Phantom dropped off more recruits. Including Hunters. I used the scope on my Magnum so I could get a clearer shot, and pulled the trigger. One of the Hunters fell dead, orange blood splattering the clearing. The other Hunter turned and aimed it's Fuelrod Cannon at me. Fuck.

I turned and ran behind the rocks. The Hunter was to big to get to us, but it sure as hell could fire through the cracks. It blasted the rock the Snipers were perched on, and the rock exploded into millions of bits and pieces. That is five Marines dead. This thing was pissed, and blocking all the exits. We were screwed.

John's POV

"Cortanna. Find me the coordinates of the Marines. I feel like something is going wrong." I order my AI.

"On it chief!" Cortanna replies.

She gives me the coordinates and I run there as fast as I could. I hear lots of Covenant gunfire, and hide behind a rock to check the scenario. I see a rather pissy Hunter harassing some rocks. I look closer and see the Marines. Nearby was a dead Hunter. I feel my heart race when I saw the Spartan from a few days ago. My guess is she had been sent here to retrieve the Marines like I was, and while doing it pissed that Hunter off. While it was distracted, I used my Sniper Rifle and aimed it at the Hunter's flesh. I pulled the trigger and let the bullet fly.


I am debating on weather I want a romance or a fan fiction. Tell me in the comments what you want. It will help. MiningPiplup

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