Ch 32 - Traitor

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They clapped. It was real applause this time. Hyunsoo - the man who had hired me for the performance - walked up and shook my hand, his cool, gold rings hitting my skin. I wondered what it'd be like to wear rings like his.

"You're as good as Hoseok said," he praised, patting me on the shoulder. "A few people have asked me for your business card. Do you have any extra?"

I nodded. "Of course. Allow me."

I usually didnt like mingling with people, but a little networking never hurt anyone. More work equaled more money. And more work also meant there was less of a chance of me taking stupid, risky jobs... like threatening princesses.

I hadn't seen Y/N since the festival. After Jungkook met his brothers regarding Y/N's attack, Jin asked me to step back. He wasn't angry with me, but he wasn't happy about the situation. Meanwhile, I was angry with me. Why was I so stupid to think that Jackson wouldn't do something he wasn't supposed to? He always did. But I had figured since he was the only other person to leave the gang, that he would -- 

-- but, I guess he didn't leave the gang, did he?

Jin was still deciding what to do with me. On one hand, he blamed himself for the entire thing happening. He sent me to the hospital for the broken rib and was constantly nagging me about my well-being. But on the other hand, he gave me clear instructions and I broke my promise.

But to be honest, I think breaking my promise to protect her was eating me more than it was him.

As I began to pack up my sheet music, my phone buzzed.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"I don't know why I keep trusting you!" Jin spat on the other end of the line. "You said you had it controlled! That you would protect her!"

"Whoa, wait! What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Jungkook just called." he replied. "He said Y/N is gone. A guard was knocked out. Someone took her, Yoongi."

Took her...?


Had to be.

I gritted my teeth, almost dropping the phone.

"Yoongi? Yoongi! I need her back now. Where is he? This Jackson guy?"

"I have a good idea where he's at," I replied. "He'll regret double-crossing me. I'll make him regret everything."


I ripped the keys out of the ignition and put them between my knuckles.

Jackson was going to regret this.

I flung the door open.

"Jackson! What the hell!"

I threw the hardest punch I'd ever thrown in my life straight into his face. The keys dug into my palm as I did it, but it hurt him more than it hurt me.

"You crossed the line this time!" I yelled. "Do you understand?"

Jackson didn't even seem affected. He stood up, wiping the gash on his face that was beginning to bleed. "I'm just doing my job."

"This isn't part of your job. The job was to scare her, not kidnap her and commit actual treason. Have you lost your mind?"

"We can get more out of her if we do it this way."

More out of her? More?

"I'm not trying to get more out of her," I said, stepping into his space. "I won't tell you again. Just do your damn job. Stop going off script."

No matter what he did for me in the past, I couldn't allow this. 

He looked at Y/N, then at me, smirking like he knew something.

"Get out of my sight!" I yelled. I was literally going to kill him if he kept this up. "I'll deal with you later."

He walked away... but we knew it wasn't over.

I turned to Y/N. My lungs burned at the sight of her; both from not seeing her for so long, and also, seeing her arms and legs bound together.

I leaned over and ripped the bands off, cursing.

I wasn't this person anymore. I couldn't be part of this life anymore.


She seemed too shaken up to walk, so I lifted her in my arms and carried her to the car. It stung my ribs a bit, but it didn't matter. I put on her seatbelt and jumped in, driving off.

"Yoongi...?" she asked.

"I'm sorry, Y/N." I said. "It wasn't supposed to go this far. I didn't think he'd actually touch you. And kidnapping --"

"It was you the whole time? You were the one trying to get rid of me?"

I hated the sound of her voice breaking.

"We were just supposed to scare you off so you didn't take your position. Make you go back to your old life --"

"So you sent me threats and had your men chase me, and --"

I stopped at a red light and turned to her. "Y/N --"

She jumped out of the car before I could say anything else.

"Y/N! Y/N wait!"

I chased after her. She ran fast. All that training from taekwondo, probably. I chased her down the streets, but she didn't turn when I called her name. I only saw her back as she disappeared between the cars.

I couldn't lose her.

I ran back to the car, ignoring the angry drivers honking as I jumped inside and took off. I drove around the city looking for her - on every main street, in every alley - but after an hour, I knew it was a lost cause.

She was gone.

Dammit. Jin was legitimately going to kill me. But I called him anyways. He was the only one that could find her.

"What happened?" he asked

"Jackson," I said. "The bastard went rogue. I smeared his face in his own blood if it makes you feel any better. God willing, I'm not done with him yet, either."

"It makes me feel a bit better, but it's not enough." he replied. "Is she safe?"

"Shaken, but okay." I said. "I got her away from Jackson, but she's gone. Once she found out who I was, she ran off. I can't find her. I've looked everywhere. I lost her."

"I'll get someone to take care of it. Yoongi, stay away from the castle for now. It won't go well for you if you come here."

I sighed. "I know it. I'm going back to find Jackson. As long as he's intercepted, she should be fine. You have to find her, Jin."

He hung up. I looked at my phone.

"I lost her..." I repeated as the screen faded to black. "I lost her."

The 7 Princes - His POV - YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now