Operation: Bumblebee

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Nova was on the computer with Campy, in charge of the groundbridge. She was a bit disappointed that OPtimus can't take her to a mission on the scouting of the ancient autobot signal Ratchet discovered. Of course, they didn't leave without a stern talking to from her.

Earlier 5 minutes ago  

"What about the last time when you confronted Megatron in front of a volcano and nearly got killed?" Nova shouted, glaring at her guardian before her. "Or did you forget about that?"

"I promise to circumspect our findings," he rumbled in his deep baritone.

Nova turned to glare at Ratchet next. "And you are going to keep a comm open so I can listen to make sure he stays out of trouble." It wasn't even a question.

Ratchet scoffed before nodding an affirmative.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest the best she could, showing a piercing look on him. "Fine."

Back to the present

"It seems you detected the ancient autobot frequency precisely because it was unearthed." the deep baritone rumbled shortly after.

"Well, our backup shouldn't be far behind."

"Without knowing what the decepticons have exhumed, I do not think I am willing to wait."

Her tiny body fumed with rage as she glared at the blue signal traveling threateningly towards the red. "Optimus Don't even think about engaging him, I swear to Primus himself if you do not wait you will have much more coming to you!"

"He's already gone, Nova," Ratchet commed her, amusement laced in his voice.

Nova slumped herself on the chair and said, with a facepalm, "Sheesh, that's what he get for not thinking ahead."

"Megatron," He rumbled as I fumed. "I cannot allow you to pilfer autobot relics."

"Not only are you misinformed, Optimus, but I would strongly advise you to lower your weapons. Unless you're in the mood for mutually assured destruction." Megatron's raspy voice thundered through Ratchet's still open comm.

"It can't be..." Ratchet barely whispered.

"The spark extractor...." Optimus said lastly

"I don't know what that is but it sounds extremely unpleasant," Nova called. She paced angrily in front of the massive screen.

  "Rather unassuming - yet capable of extracting every spark within its radius," Megatron explained. "And to think that you led me straight to it, Optimus. Or should I say Orion Pax did?"

Nova growled, leaning into the keyboard Raf had so conveniently hooked up to the massive computer for them. She desperately searched for Bumblebee's private comm as Megatron continued taunting her guardian.

"Bumblebee," Nova called, finally reaching it. "What is your ETA? Soon?"

He buzzed something that sounded like an affirmative. Close enough.

"Would it help if I bridged you?" She turned to the larger screen which showed a new blue signal approaching the masses that were now engaging each other. A surge of energy was present, suggesting an already present ground bridge. "I guess not..."

The sound of Bee's engine could be heard over Ratchet's comm,herself shutting down the one directly to Bumblebee.

"Bumblebee..." Optimus ordered. "Secure the package."

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