Mirror Child

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This story was inspired by the Doctor who two part Episode Fury of A Time Lord -Family of Blood, this isn't necessarily fanfiction as this story was merely inspired by the episode and takes the idea of a girl being stuck inside a mirror. Every single mirror. Please enjoy

Date: 18/08/15
Time: 8:55 pm - 9:42 pm

A blonde haired girl, no older than give or six walked quietly down a long, cold hall, being mindful of the squeaky floorboards. She didn't want to wake her parents. She turned to look at her reflection a large mirror hanging on one of the walls briefly, squinting to see her reflection in the early morning light.

She smiled a little, nodding and continued walking down the hall, not seeing the girl in the mirror nod back with the same smile on her face. No one understood why Eli Woods was always talking to herself or why she read everything outloud when she as alone. Her parents passed it off as her talking to her imaginary friend, thinking she would grow out of it eventually.

Eli, did eventually stop talking to herself, she still did when her parents weren't around to hear.

No one was able to maintain eye contract with Eli for longer than a few seconds, those who did swore they were talking to someone much older, around fifteen or sixteen, she was smiling at them as though she knew a secret and they would find out one day. It freaked those poeple out a great deal.

Eli parents were rarely home the older she got and she fell back into the habit of talking to hersefl even though she had no idea why. She knew no one was listening. At least she thought no one was listening. She had always gotten the feeling someone was watching her but she had never felt scared.

Eli was thirteen when her parents come home to find her 'missing'. They searched the entire house when they reached the kitchen they found a blonde, nineteen-year-old girl with her head resting on her folded arms, a book sitting on the table next to her. Eli's mother shook her shoulder, wondering who she was and where her daughter was.

When the girl sat up their nine-year-old daughter was suddenly sitting in front of them. No one understood what had happened. Eli had no idea why her parents sometimes looked at her like she was someone completely different. There were times Eli noticed how shocked people when she answered a question they thought she wouldn't know the answer to.

By the time she had finished school she had gotten used to the stares and questioning glances. Her parents would sometimes still treat her like the child she hadn't been for a very long time. She sometimes wished she still was a child though not very often. She knew she had to grow up one day.

The day she told her parents she was moving out to go to College they looked at her like she was insane.

"You can't go to college. You're only nine." Her mother snapped before walking out of the kitchen to help her father unload the groceries from the car before going to get ready, they were going out for the evening. Eli stared after her mother, not believe her mother still thought she was nine-years old.

Eli turned to look at her reflection in the hallway mirror. Maybe her old friend would come to visit nad would have some idea of what her parents mother thought she was still nine-year-old. It had been a long time since she had come to visit and Eli had almost forgotten about her.

She quietly walked upstairs and past her parents room, pausing to listen to her mother ranting about her going to college

"...she's far too young to be going to college Allen..."

Eli walked into her room and quietly closed and locked the door after years of practise, and over to her glossy black vanity and smiled when a girl, who could have been her twin looked up, she seemed a little surprised by something but returned the smile after a few seconds.

Her almost mirror image stared at her in shock, almost like she was seeing something Eli couldn't.

"Hello my friend, it's been a long time. Do you have any idea why my mother thinks I'm still nine-years-old?" Eli asked, hoping her friend would have some idea of what was going on or would at the very least be able to help her figure out how to convince her parents she wasn't actually nine-years-old.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Eli. It shouldn't be possible," Eli almost mirror image answered, covering her mouth, Eli found herself do the same. Her arms felt a little numb. It didn't happen all the time, only when her friend was experiencing strong emotions, like shock. It had taken her a while to get used to the feeling.

"What do you mean? That doesn't make any sense," Eli asked, very confused and startled when she was suddenly staring at the nine-year-old version of her friend. Eli blinked, not beliving what she had seen was real. Her friend looked the same as she always had.

"That Eli, is what's happening. You're parents see you as a nine-year-old not a nineteen-year-old. I can imagine when they woke you after you fell asleep in the kitchen when you were nine, you looked like you were nineteen, even though you were nine at the time," Eli's almost mirror image explain. It still made no sense.

Eli remembered that day, she had fallen asleep in the kitchen reading a book, and had been woken up by her mother who had looked more than a little confused, she had been so tired she had forgotten to ask what was wrong.

Eli remembered that day, she had fallen asleep in the kitchen reading a book and had been woken by her mother who had looked confused, she had been so tried she had forgotten to ask what was wrong before she picked up her book and went to her room to go back to sleep.

"That doesn't explain things at all. It doesn't matter. My parents weren't around enough when I was younger anyway." Eli shrugged and shook her head. Her friends explaination made no sense what so ever. She still had to figure out how to get her parens to let her go to College.

She wasn't sure why her friend was staring at her. It was look she was given when she did something unexpected or knew something someone thought she wouldn't have known.

"Eli, your the first person I've met who hasn't freaked out after finding out about this," Eli's almost mirror image replied staring at her not believing she wasn't at all bothered and wondering why she seemed so relieved. This was the first time she had talked to Eli in nearly eight years.

"I'm just happy to finally know why people won't look at me for very long," Eli commented, she wasn't all that bothered, now the only thing she had to do was convince her parents she was no longer nine-year-old and let her go to college. She was looking forward to spending time with Marlia.

An old friend she hadn't seen in years but had kept in contract with via text. Marlia hadn't quite told her what was going on but Eli had manage to gather Marlia had a pretty interesting life since she moved into The Rose Garden Apartments.

It took Eli's parents another year after she had gone to college to get used to the fact their daughter was almost twenty and not nine like they had thought she was. They didn't understand how ten almost eleven years had passed without them noticing their daughter was growing up.

Eli wasn't really bothered by the fact she sometimes looked like an adult or a child depending on the person she was talking to, she found exactly why when she met Natalia and found out just how interesting Marlia's life was.


I've edited the story a little and added some bits so it flows a little better. Originally Eli wasn't Marlia friend I decided to add her given she's the same age as Marlia and Natalia and the strange curse/spell she has on her. I still don't know why. I hope you enjoyed.

Please tell me what you think. Ideas are more then welcome.

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