my holiday story lmfao

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okay so i went on holiday to the south of Spain this summer and I made friends with this spanish family. the oldest boy, caught my eye from the fucking beginning bc we were staying in the same place as them.

I spotted him and I got teased by my sister saying oooH imagine if y'all become best friends or if u guys date or whatever (super unrealistic IKNOW) but anyways it was that type of teasing. I would always walk past him and we would literally only say "hola" (it's polite) and i wouldn't stop talking about him and gushing over my new Spanish hottie, but anyways.

It was killing me inside that he wouldn't say anything else other than "hola" so i would sit for like an hour trying to plan out how I could talk more than one word to him and try figure out what he would say.

it got really kinda freaky more than anything bc if I was on the beach, he and his brothers would be right next to me or would be in my general area on the beach, if I was poolside, he would pass me or whatever (u get the idea) and I was so annoyed that I was too much of a pussy to say anything.

One night, me and my sister went for a swim and we were just chilling not really making much noise because it was around midnight and dark out, and we hear running footsteps and a huge splash into the water and not gonna lie, I screamed because I got fucking spooked.

I screamed again (mentally) because it was the three brothers, who by the way, we never spoke to in our lives. my sister (being older than me) wasn't scared to talk since they were younger so she were speaking Spanish to the boys saying like what brings u down here type of chat and they were in conversation while I was in the corner of the pool trying not to freak because I've never had a crush this big ... ever. Before I knew it, we were all playing Marco Polo, at midnight, in the community pool.

To speed this story up, since then, they would come knock on our window to wake us up to go to the beach or pool or to hang out, and midnight games in the pool became our thing. I thought my life was at its best/ peak because I became close friends with my crush who I've been gushing over for a week.

we were only on holiday for 2 and a half weeks so time was running out with them. I managed to get the boys number and his Instagram so we could stay in contact and I was getting really sad because we would have to leave them eventually and I started catastrophising because I thought that we would never ever see them again and whatever  but I tried to live in the moment and not to think of the future for as long as possible.

Our last night there, we went and sat on the beach and watched the red moon (bc there was an eclipse that night) and we just chilled and had fun, making me dread the next day even more.

The morning we had to leave, only the youngest came out to say goodbye which even though I was still flattered that one of the three said goodbye, I was extremely sad that the oldest didn't come out to say bye. It made me rethink the whole holiday, that I was too head over heels for him and I thought that we were really close friends now but I was thinking that I was completely wrong the whole time and I made a fool of myself.

We were packing and were literally out the gate of the villa but then the oldest and middle brother ran down the stairs in their pj's and shouted "!hasta luego!" which translates to "See u soon", so me and my sister ran over my sister gave the oldest a hug and I have the middle a hug and I was like oh god that means I'm gonna have to hug the oldest because my sister switched over to hug the middle. 

I tried to mentally prepare myself bc this was the closest I would be to him. I sound like a 5 year old but honestly this shit was scary. He leaned in for a hug so I hugged him and I was praying that it wouldn't be a short awkward hug and luckily it wasn't, we hugged for like a minute and  said our goodbyes and best believe I tried not to cry lmfao I'm so over dramatic but whatever.

We drove to the airport and boarded and yeah flew back and I was so sad and had withdrawal from the three of them lol.

it's been like 3 weeks since we got back and the oldest keeps posting love letters on his Instagram and keeps talking about how he's "in love" or has a huge crush on this girl. This is the part that fucks with my head.

Hes in a different country, he goes to school, I'm not the only girl he's ever came into contact with, he has girlfriends (space between the girl and friends) and originally I was like "ah ok it's not me lmfaooo I'm stupid" but once I commented on a Instagram pic of his at the beach (boy has a whole set of abs) "🔥🤪" and yes I fucking shit myself commenting that. Anyways, literally no less than a minute after I commented that, he liked it and posted on his story in Spanish something like "thank you god😊😍❤️"

i was like woah that's a coincidence but I can't be sure what it's about and I didn't wanna ask Incase it may be something personal. So over like a week or two period, I would comment or like his photos or idk he would do the same and every single time, he would do the same thing and put on his story lovehearts or a big ass love letter. He sounds really cheesy but I promise it's cuter than u think.

So my sister keeps teasing me saying shit like "oh he's trying to tell you something" or "he likes you so much" or whatever and I wouldn't take it too seriously because of the reason that I'm not the only girl that he knows or talks to so I would just try to dismiss it everytime. so I really don't know what to believe because we still talk and he keeps posting those things and it's messing with my head a whole freaking lot but I guess time will tell.

I really don't know why I wrote this out, I guess I just needed to rant about it so yeah if you enjoyed it, comment something or other and I'll update y'all 🤪. bye

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