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Oh, god, thought Renjun, staring at his phone. 

na jaemin

> i'm feeling hungry this fine afternoon, fellow waiter. what say you to paying up for losing that bet on sunday? 

> i've got the perfect place in mind too

He had to wait ten seconds after reading the message to make sure he didn't look too eager, replying with "god, fine". 

He hadn't thought about their stupid bet since it happened a week and a half ago, but he remembered losing it spectacularly. And the penalty had, of course, been the most sketchy and painful thing Jaemin could come up with. 

Basically a date. "Take me out wherever I want and buy me food."  Oh god, oh god. He took out a different pair of shoes. 

He'd never panicked so much over a shirt and jeans. He looked at the outfit in the mirror and screwed his eyes shut self-consciously. What if Jaemin turned up in more formal? Renjun knew that Jaemin was basically an angel, but he wouldn't put it past anyone in his situation to go to the most expensive place possible. His heart thudded in his chest and he formally apologised to his wallet in advance.

na jaemin

hey jaemin can you at least tell me what kind of place we're going so i can dress appropriately <

> it's just a lil cafe :) my cousin works there so i used to go there a lot. discounts and stuff.

do you still get discounts or <

> nope!!!!!!!!! because i'm not 10 anymore 

was worth a try <

> anyway just wear something casual

nice! thanks <3 <

> <333333333

<3333333333 <

"I did not mean for that to go so well," breathed Renjun, eyes skimming over the cute little hearts until his vision blurred. He put his phone into his pocket and fixed his hair again, then, completely overwhelmed, whipped out Jeno's contact. He sent multiple messages, then rushed down the stairs, his mother looking at him funny from the kitchen. 

"Sweetie, do you have a date?" 

Renjun heated up, hot white embarrassment. "No, mama! Why do you assume that?" 

"That's your special occasion shirt! Last time you wore that it was Jeno's birthday." 


"Is he a lot older than you!" 

"No! What?"

Renjun slammed the door closed, barricading himself in the sitting room while his mother laughed loudly to herself in the kitchen. He felt his insides burn with some sort of weird, embarrassment-induced indigestion when he heard his mother start talking with someone on the phone. Just then, his phone vibrated, and he almost broke his wrist against the door handle trying to open his messages, hoping that it was either Jeno or Jaemin. 

three is the perfect number || jaenoren (norenmin)Where stories live. Discover now