2 - Kids? No.

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The bus journey is long and unpleasant. I'm on the damn thing for over an hour and it seems to stop at e-v-e-r-y possible place.

There are mothers with children everywhere. Why the fuck are they out with them at this time anyway? Surely they don't have to go to school this early. I look down at my watch again and grimace at the time. Half past eight. Ok, I ensure myself, only twenty more minutes on this bus. I can do that! Can't I?

Another load of teens get on. What is it with teenagers wanting to go to school early? There are already loads of them taking up the seats with their bags and their obnoxious attitudes and at every stop, there seems to be another handful that get on. When I was at school, I waited till the last minute possible to walk through the gates of hell.

Suddenly, one rather small high school girl wearing a uniform consisting of a black skirt, a shirt and orange striped tie plus a blazer, drops her iPod onto the floor with a loud bang.

As well as disturbing some middle-aged men trying to doze, it disturbs the fucking babies.

I hurriedly get my old mp3 player out and shove my earphones into my ears, drowning out the cries of the infants and groans of the mothers with my music. Greenday fills my ears and I let myself try and relax.

However, there is a little bugger on the seat behind me, who seems intent on kicking and bashing my chair until either I fall off or I turn round and fling the little asshole out of the window.

I turn round and give him a icy glare - but as the boy is nine years old

and thinks he owns the world, he smirks as me and continues.

I'm ready for screaming and bashing my head against the glass window, when I feel a sudden, tentative tap on my shoulder.

I remove my ear-plugs with a groan - missing the rocky tones of Greenday's Holiday already - and look up to see a flustered looking woman of about 35 clutching the hand of a small, blonde child.

The woman gestures to the empty seat next to me and asks if her daughter could sit down whilst she stayed with the pram.

"Oh! Yes ok." I half-heartedly smile, attempting to reassure the mother that I am neither a hooligan, terrorist or axe-crazy murderer. As she bends to tell her child, I remove my bag from the chair and uncross my legs, watching for the kids reaction.

Her brown eyes go wide with distress and as her bottom lip juts out, she reaches to grab hold of her mother, on the verge of tears.

"Jessica, hunny, you need to sit with this nice lady." She nods her head to me and I look away not wanting 'Jessica' to sit beside the 'nice lady'.

"Bu-ut, mummy, I don't know this lady!" She points out indignantly, hand on small hip. "I can't sit there."

I hear you Jessica. Totally with you on that one.

The mother merely laughs and picks her toddler up, plonking her on the seat next to mine, then turning and plodding back to the pram with the screaming baby in it.

I wince and apprehensively look down at the child sitting next to me - seeing that she is staring intently into my face, watching me like a hawk.

All too soon, she's not so quiet or nervous any more and it looks like it's time for twenty questions.

I consider shutting her out and putting my ear-plugs back in, but decide that that would be vaguely rude of me. So, unwillingly, I listen to her husky little voice and wearily engage in conversation with a four year old.

"What is you are name?"

"Bella." I grimace at her incorrect speech.

"Like the princess!" She suddenly exclaims, grabbing the edges of her gingham dress and waving them. "La la-la la-la"

A laugh tumbles from my mouth in response before I can trap it but she continues and says with a pout: "My name is super boring."

I don't know how to answer her so I just shrug and turn to stare out the window. In the reflection I see Jessica open her mouth to ask another question no doubt but her mum suddenly appears and hauls Jessica up once more, attaching her to her hip, smiling thankfully at me and wheeling the pram off the bus.

Short journey. Oh well I'm certainly not complaining. I smile and put my ear phones back in, just relaxing when, two stops later, another mother arrives. This time the sound of Greenday isn't loud enough to drown out their gremlins shrieks.

Remind me to replace my shitty earphones.


Update? Yay :)

I really hope you're liking my fic! It's going places I promise. As you can probably tell by the cover - it's a Harry Styles fanfic so don't worry, you'll meet him soon :) I just want you to know Bella first.

She's kinda grumpy..





Anna X

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