Scottish/Irish Names A-Z (123)

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Scottish/Irish Names:

Abi (Short form of Abigail.)

Alieas (Scottish form of Alice.)

Aileen (Variant of Eileen.)

Ailpen (Scottish Gaelic form of Alpin.)

Aindrea (Scottish form of Andrew.)

Alasdair (Scottish form of Alexander.)

Alastair (Anglicized form of Alasdair.)

Allan (Variant of Alan.)

Allen (Variant of Alan.)

Ally (Diminutive of Alistair.)

Amhlaidh (Scottish form of Olaf.)

Angus (Anglicized form of Aonghus.)

Annag (Scottish diminutive of Anna.)

Aodh (From the old Irish name Aed, which meant "Fire".)

Aodhagan (Diminutive of Aodh.)

Archie (Diminutive of Archibald.)

Arran (From the name of an island off west coast of scottish in the firth of Clyde.)

Artair (Scottish form of Arthur.)

Athol (From the name of a district Scotland which was derived from Gaelic ath fodhla Ireland.)

Barabal (Scottish form of Barbara.)

Beathag (Feminine form of Beathan.)

Beathan (Derived from Scottish Gaelic beatha meaning "life".)

Beileag (Diminutive of Iseabail.)

Beitris (Scottish form of Walter.)

Bhatair (Scottish form of Walter.)

Cairistiona (Scottish form of Christina.)

Caitriona (Scottish form of Katherine.)

Callum (Variant of Calum.)

Calum (Scottish form of Columba.)

Caoimhe (Derived from Gaelic caomh meaning "beautiful, gentle, kind".)

Carson (From a Scottish surname of uncertain meaning.)

Catrina (Variant of Catriona.)

Christie (Scottish and Irish diminutive of Christopher.)

Christy (Scottish and Irish diminutive of Christopher.)

Cinaed (Means "born of fire" in Gaelic.)

Coinneach (Derived from Gaelic caoin "Handsome". It is often Anglicized as Kenneth.)

Cormag (Scottish form of Cormac.)

Daividh (Gaelic variant of David.)

Dand (Scottish diminutive of Andrew.)

Davie (Diminutive of David.)

Deorsa (Scottish form of George.)

Domnall (Gaelic form of Donald.)

Duff (Derived from Gaelic dubh meaning "Dark".)

Ealasaid (Scottish Gaelic form of Elizabeth.)

Edan (Variant of Aidan.)

Edna (Anglicized form of Eithne.)

Eilionoir (Scottish form of Eleanor.)

Eimhir (Scottish form of Emer.)

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