Chapter 2

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My head is filled with this perfect stranger all day.. at one point, I was drooling on my desk, lost in my wondrous thoughts, and my 4th hour teacher, Mr. Henson, had to yell my name.. 5 times..

Yes, more embarrassing than usual.. After 4th hour, we were dismissed for lunch. Yayy! The place I go everyday, forcing food down, making myself keep it down until I get home.. the place where people exclude me, so I always end up eating in the courtyard. As usual, I walk into the lunchroom, head down the line, and stride for the doors. Please don't let anyone say anything... Please please please ple- "LilyAnna!!" God WHY??? I stop dead in my tracks and slowly look to my left.


He walks toward me and as he gets closer, my heart stops. No room for food now, only butterflies. No, scratch that. The whole ZOO is inside of me. We're standing less than 2 feet away now, and my thoughts become a jumbled mess. "Sorry about earlier," he says sweetly. "I didn't get to tell you before first hour." I can see the apologetic look in his eyes. He actually means it. But why? Nobody likes the girl with all the disorders.. "LilyAnna?" he says. I blink myself back to reality and look down, embarrassed. "It's fine," I lamely say. "Do you want to sit for lunch?" he asks. I am immediately put on high alert. Why? Who put you up to this? Did I really pick the one weirdo at this school?!? I completely ignore my thoughts. "Sure," I say simply.

We walk out to the courtyard, and it looks sunnier; brighter; happier than all the other days. I smile as we sit down on the wooden bench, unusually jubilent to have company.

Today is taco day in the lunchroom, and I have to admit, they were pretty good when I wasn't counting every single calorie. How could I? With him distracting me and all.. those eyes.. that smile. I couldn't get over it. Drowning in my thoughts, I finally said, "So, you know my name. Presumably because people are screaming it everywhere, but I don't know yours.."

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I'm Joshua." he wipes off his hands and holds out his right one. Slowly I take it, and for a minute, we sit there in complete silence. I can feel the rough calluses on his hands. After what seems like forever, I let go, smiling like a complete idiot.

What am I doing? I can't! No! I don't know him! I can't! I won't pull him into this inevitable fate I carry! I won't lose another one!

"Are you ready?" Josh asks, caring curiosity in his voice. I know he can see the tears welling up in my eyes, but I just nod and we get up to throw away our trays.

When the 5th hour bell rings, I realize that I went on a walk with him, not even noticing we went a mile away from the school. I don't know how we got back in time, but it doesn't matter. I'm so indecisive! I don't want to hurt him, but I can't bear to pull away from him. I barely even know his name, but every time I look into his eyes, I see something that I recognize. Something.. broken.

By the end of the day, I'm a complete mess. I've been on a rollercoaster of emotions, and now I just feel numb. As I drive home sniffling, my vision blurs, making it near impossible to see. I know I probably look like a zombie, but I don't care anymore. Parking my car into our garage, I step out and unlock my golden doorknob. Solemnly I walk up the stairs, my blonde locks flowing into my face, my brown eyes puffy.

What's going to happen next?

Sorry this chapter was kinda short.. Just leave comments if you want them longer. Also, please comment what you think and vote if you want me to continue!

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