The Girl In Red

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The Girl in Red


        The most lovely baby rested in her mothers hands as the sun arose to the crystalline sky. Her Grandmother- the lady who delivered her- sat rocking quietly in her oak chair. She was flushed fresh from birth and wailing loud enough for the whole village- scratch that, the whole kingdom- to hear. Lush locks, the color of cocoa beans streaked with auburn curled into petite spirals sprung but a few millimeters from their bed along her ivory skin. Her eyes captivated all who visited the newly born infant, and awed the citizens of Herzig with their unique moss-green color.

       In fact this shade of eye was so unique and rare that it rarely appeared outside of the royal family. Not that this young beauty was of any relation. Actually, it wasn't even remotely possible seeing as she- but moments before- had been born into a family that was so dirt poor that they were forced to wear the unwanted rags that no one else wanted to clothe themselves in.

         Her father was an entrepreneur- not the successful kind- and ran his own delivery service. His only workers were himself and the man inhabiting the neighboring cottage, Mr. Delaware. 

          Mr. Delaware's wife had passed away but a year before while birthing a handsome baby boy Kristoffer. The two families were very similar and both Mr. Delaware and Mr. Whitwell - the father of the youthful beauty born during dawns arrival - travelled often to the palace and surrounding villages - like Kinsig and Waelf - together to deliver packages. During those frequent visits Kristoffer was under the loving watch of Mrs. Whitwell.

         The young boy Kristoffer reached for the screeching infant tentatively. The girl instantly began to calm her weeping, her attention captivated by the boy before her.

        "Pretty." He smiled at the infant before him. His minuscule vocabulary was proof of his youthful ignorance.

          "Do you think you could help me pick out a name for her Kristoffer?" Mrs. Whitwell asked of the clapping toddler sitting before her.

       His grin grew, revealing an adorable dimple donned upon his cheek as he clapped and nodded his head so vigorously that you would presume a neck cramp would soon arise.

        Scrunching his eyebrows and creating a confused look for himself, Kristoffer gently - well, as gently as a boy with one year of age can - touched her lips.

        "Red." He stated as he noticed another striking feature the Whitwell's new baby possessed. The child's lips appeared to be stained the deepest of reds.

       Mrs. Whitwell contemplated the boy's words. After a few moments of silence, a joyful grin spread across her face. Slowly nodding she announced her decision.  

        "Phoenix. It was my mothers favorite shade of red, a dark but beautiful color. She said it was a symbol of immortality and eternal youth. Legend has it that after living for centuries the bird it is named for dies and and is reborn from it's own ashes. It is a sight to behold, not that a lady such as myself has ever been witness to such a majestic bird." She paused to admire her daughter, gently murmuring 'Phoenix'.

           In hearing this Kristoffer sat off to the side muttering, "No no no, Red."  

         Grandmother Whitwell stopped rocking an approving nod beginning. "She shall be the most beautiful and vibrant red of all. I will sew her a cloak of the finest red silk my chips can afford."  

         Setting off with the little gold coins known as chips- the currency of the kingdom Awaynia- never would she have known that she would be making the cloak that would help establish young Phoenix in this world. With Kristoffer's nickname and Grandmother's riding hood, Pheonix's story would live on for ages to come.

         Although there was much more to be done other than simply sewing the riding cloak, for little Phoenix would first have to save her kingdom.

          In the real story of Red Riding hood she might not make it out of the forest alive. 

          Now this is where our story begins, but there is no telling where- or how- it will end.


A/N : Hi! Okay so I wrote this on my iPod and it's still a work in progress so just let me know what you think. I know it's short and I'm sorry but it's just the prologue anyways! Feel free to point out any errors and vote comment share add to reading list fan and anything else you want to do. Thanks for reading

Jay xx :DDD

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