Chapter 1

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The dedication is for Mickey, because she was the first person to ever vote/comment on the story :D

Chapter One (Phoenix)

My lungs scorched from my rapid gasps and I tore down the cobblestone roads in a flurry of red. My equestrian cloak trailed behind me fashioning the allusion that I was winged. I heard an elated laugh sound through the streets behind me and pushed myself harder.

I desired to go faster. Faster. Faster. Until my legs were numb and my lungs were exhausted- past the point that my endurance could handle. Fast enough that my feet would leave the ground and I truly would soar through the sky.

The wind picked up abruptly thrashing my red riding hood about behind me, cracking it in the unexpectedly sweet smelling air. The wind carried the scent of the resident bakery where Mr. Stanton had in all probability just removed a sugary cake or honeyed pie from the oven. My mouth watered suddenly making up for my panting and I craved a sweet cake to thrill my palate.

My hesitation caused me to lose my lead and a certain dark haired boy to crash into me rocketing downwards. We landed with a thump and I groaned on impact.

I precariously twitched my limbs searching and checking to make sure that I was unscathed. Somehow, Kristoffer had managed to turn us as we fell causing him to take the brunt of the tumble and leaving me unharmed.

Beneath me, I heard a grunt of discomfort and scurried to my feet offering a hand to him as I arose. "Gosh Red you really need to lay off those sweet cakes." I blushed and glared at him recalling my recently forgotten craving for the very sweet he had just mentioned.

"Shut your mouth Kris! I’m not the one who crashed into the other so get off your high horse!" I glared pointedly at him as he was still lying there.

"Maybe not, but you were the idiot who was randomly standing in the middle of the street sniffing the air with a dopey look on her face." He winked at me and I gave a huff, wondering why this man was my best friend.

I withdrew my fore offered hand and stormed past him my eyebrows scrunched angrily. I was meaning to look intimidating and angered, but in truth I probably looked like a kitten that got her yarn taken away.

My feet clacked on the smooth rock pattern beneath the soles of my boots. They were leather and laced up the front to reach my calves, very practical things that made a satisfying sound when I walked on hard surfaces. They were astoundingly comfortable for long and short journeys alike.

My hands shoved at the rough wooden gate as I swept across the walkway leading to my two-story cottage and into the abode. It smelt of fathers cigars and I gave a contented sigh.

Father, I truly did miss him. He had left on a delivery a fortnight ago and I did not know when-

Wait! If I had smelt his cigars then that meant Jimmy my annoying little brother of fourteen had gotten into them again, or…

Not bothering to finish the thought, I hurried up the stairs and to the balcony from my Father’s room where the scent was coming from. The doors burst open under the command of my hands and I leaped through the air landing in my Father’s awaiting arms, full of joy and astonishment.

"Ah, my Red!" , He stated. "How I have missed you only I shall ever be able to know, that is how much it has been. My longing to see you my beautiful daughter has been quite insurmountable." Father murmured with his hands on either side of my face as I hugged him closer.

As Father pulled away, he turned to the open doors wearing a broad grin across his lined face. "Now you young man, have you been taking good care of my daughter as I have been away?" He inquired of Kristoffer who casually leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed. His arrival had escaped my notice.

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