Chapter 19

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-------------------------------------------------TWO MONTHS LATER-------------------------------------------------------


I'm hanging out with Liam today. Things have been going great with Niall. We haven't told the public that we are dating yet though. My career has been great I am working on new songs. My birthday is next month! I turn eighteen finally!!!! I never graduated high school but I guess it doesn't matter. I have a good career and an amazing boyfriend. But I haven't been feeling so great today. I just feel really nauseous. "Callie, are you okay? You don't look so good." Liam asked. That's when I felt it. I  ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. I don't know why though because I was feeling fine yesterday and the day before. "Oh. My. God. Callie are you okay?" "LiLi. I don't know why I am throwing up. I didn't eat anything bad and it doesn't feel like a virus." I said. "Well, we know you aren't pregnant. Everyone knows that you are a virgin." Oh. Shit. "Liam. What is the date?" I asked him. "August 12th." I was supposed to get my period two weeks ago. Actually now that I think of it, I didn't have my period last month either. "Liam. We have a problem.... Can you call Paul and ask him to get me three pregnancy tests but tell him not to tell anyone. Not even Harry!" He went into the other room and made a phone call.

Soon enough Paul showed up with the tests. I went into the bathroom and did the tests. Now it's time to look at them. I'm so scared to look but I know I have to do it. I can hear Paul and Liam pacing in the other room. I have to look.




"FUCK!" I screamed so loud I bet people all through the flat complex could hear me. Liam came knocking on the door. I unlocked it and sat on the floor crying. Liam took the stick from my hands and read the word that could possibly ruin my life and my career. Liam put his arms around me and started telling me to calm down. Once I was calm he asked me the question that I dreaded answering. "So, do you know who the father is?" I nodded. "Of course, I know who the father is I'm not a whore." "Well are you going to tell him?" I don't know. "I haven't really thought about that yet. All I know is that I am keeping this baby, no matter how much this could ruin my career. I can still sing and record and make new albums I just don't want to do many interviews or go on tour, atleast until my baby is one year old."  He nodded. "Who is the father?" "Umm... You have to promise me that you won't tell. Pinky promise." He stuck out his pinky and we pinky promised. "Niall. Niall is the father. I don't want to tell him yet. I think it might scare him or ruin his career so I am not going to say anything yet." "Well, Callie, I think you should. Atleast tell him like tomorrow or something."  I nodded. "Maybe. I am going to go to Niall's now. I miss my boyfriend. Bye LiLi!" I said before kissing his cheek and walking out the door.

I walked into Niall's flat using the key he gave me when I first moved in with him. It was rather quiet. I went to the kitchen thinking that he would be there, but he wasn't. Okay this is really weird why is he not in the kitchen. Okay I will just check the bedroom. The door is closed. As I walked closer I heard the most horrible sounds ever. The sounds that made my heart break more than gross me out. As I walked closer they got louder and louder. "OH NIALL!!!!!!!! FASTER!!!! FASTER!!!!" The girl was screaming. As much as I hate and don't want to find out who is in mine and Niall's room I have to because if I am going to disappear or leave him then I have to get my stuff. I opened the door to find someone who I thought was one of my best friends. They both stopped to look over at me and Niall pushed Demi off of her. "Oh. My. God." Was all I could say. "Callie, please. I can explain." Niall said. Demi was starting to dress herself and so was Niall. "No. Niall, you can't explain. I know what I saw and I am leaving you, so you can either help me pack my stuff or you can make me do it by myself." I said rather calmly. He nodded and started taking all of my stuff out of the drawers and grabbing my suit case. He packed my whole bag for me. Everything that I brought to London and bought was put into my suitcase. As he would put stuff into my bag for me he would mumble stuff about he is an idiot and how he made the biggest mistake of his life and that he didn't want to leave, but I ignored him. I took off my Pandora bracelet and put it on his bed.

I'm at Liam's and He is letting me stay the night and he promised not to tell Niall about me being pregnant. I am going back to America to record with Simon and Britney. Britney is letting me live with her since she knows what it is like to have a baby. She said she will help me through it. Britney truely is a good friend. Oh you are probably wondering how Brittany is. Her and Harry are talking again. He's been showing her that she can trust him again and I know they will be getting back together soon. I have to text Harry and tell him I am going to live in America for a while. Hey Harry. Just letting you know that I am going to live in America for a while. I am doing some more recording there and I can't be here. Niall and I broke up. He cheated on me... with Demi. Don't hurt him though. I still love him and I always. I just wanted to tell you so that you know where I am. Could you tell the girls for me? I love you Harry. You are the best brother a girl could ask for. I sent to him I hope that he doesn't hurt Niall. I mean I know Niall deserves it, but I think he hot enough punishment with me leaving. Unless he never loved me.

My Brother, Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now