Chaper 15 - Just Playing

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Guanlin's POV

The three of us stay there, frozen and staring at each other with our eyes big from shock. Mina breaks the ice first, I assume in an attempt to make this look less worse and removes her grip from my wrists and plants her butt down from previously being in midair... right onto my lower half.

A whimper subconsciously escapes my throat at the contact. Not a good move Mina...

Haeun's face finally turns from shocked to pissed, and I mean pissed. "Guanlin. Care to explain what's going on?"

I attempt to sit up while Mina is still on top of me, her legs on either side of mine and too scared to move. Honestly, I'd be scared too if Haeun was glaring at me like that.

I gently push her off of me, and she finally moves to the side. I turn to Haeun. "Why are you here?"

"Sorry was I interrupting you cheating on me?" she says sarcastically. "Who's the slut?"

I close my eyes to try and calm myself from killing her, and I calmly reply, "Leave her alone. She didn't do anything."

"Do you think I'm blind!? She was right f*cking on top of you, and I don't think friends do that," she yells at the top of her lungs. She starts taking steps forward and reaches for Mina's arm, pulling her violently. I quickly respond by swatting her hand away and holding Mina's in my own.

"Stop defending the damn bimbo, do you have any decency?!" I take a look at Mina, and she has her head down, face flushed, and tears in her eyes.

I feel like crap.

I want to hug her so badly right now and tell her everything is going to be okay, that I'm here for her and I will protect her but... it's my fault we're in this situation anyway. I can't make things worse.

"Make her f*cking leave or I will," Haeun says through gritted teeth. I let go of Mina's hand, and she immediately gets up and runs out the door.


Mina's POV

He lets go of my hand, and I sense him shifting in his seat, getting up to lead me out the door. But as soon as the opportunity arises, I take my phone and dash out the door myself.

I don't even care that he has my backpack, I don't need it. I just never want to be seen with him again.

I continue down the stairs, and when I can confirm that I'm out of their sight, my knees give in, and I collapse on the sidewalk.

There I am crouching on the floor, with my head in between my knees, when a hand touches my shoulder.

"Hey. Are you alright?"

Seonho? I turn to the voice and see that it is indeed Seonho.

His eyes widen. "Mina! What are you doing here? Why are you crying?" he says while pulling me into his arms.

I don't respond, and he connects the dots out loud while comforting me, "Wait... Guanlin's house is right over there, and you're over here crying... what did that little dip-shit do now?"

"His girlfriend came," I mumble out with my face nuzzled in his neck. "A-and I was in the worst possible position with looked likeㅡ"

He shushes me and rubs my back as if I'm a child, while I start crying again. After patiently waiting for me to stop, Seonho pulls back and helps me back onto my feet. He cups my face with his hands and wipes my tears away, smiling sweetly as he's doing it and whispering, "Shh. You look ugly when you cry," teasingly. Bitch.


Guanlin's POV

Haeun closes the door behind Mina and suddenly drops the angry girlfriend act.

But... she still looks kinda angry...

"Seriously. Who was that?"

"My friend."

She raises an eyebrow at that, and I groan. "Come on, she wasn't doing anything. We were just playing."

She scoffs. "Fine, but I won't let this happen again. I have a reputation to uphold. You can't be cheating on me."

I realize that this is a good time to bring up something that's been bugging me. "I don't understand. You and Daniel can be together now, he's not dating Chaewon anymore. Why am I still a part of this?"

I continue. "And why can't I date another girl secretly? No one else has to know... why are you even here?" My questions come out as a confusing cluster of words.

She takes a step toward me and does her signature seductive pout while touching my chest. "Oh love... I'm still not done with you."

"You didn't answer any of my questions."

She laughs and heads to the door. "Is she coming tomorrow?"

"...She was supposed to."

"Good. Make sure she comes." She holds the doorknob and turns back to me. "Oh and next time, lock the door after pulling a girl in. I saw her on my way to Daniel's house."

I feel my jaw clenching. How long was she waiting to catch us in a bad moment?

No wonder she had nothing to say to me... she wasn't even planning on coming here.

I wait for her to leave and hurriedly put my shoes on. Mina has to still be here somewhere, she couldn't have gone far...

I go to my room to quickly fetch her backpack but I realize I might need it soon to get her to talk to me again. I think back to how she looked when she ran out. Yep. I'm keeping it here.

So I head out and search the neighborhood for her. It doesn't take long, as she is right by the fence outside the apartment but... the sight isn't one I'd like to see. I hide behind the barricade so I can watch what Seonho does without them knowing.

He's holding her face and whispering to her so I'm unable to hear but... he's awfully close to her. My heart tightens at the contact between the two. She's looking up at him like he's her savior and is lightly gripping onto his wrists. He says something to her, and her beautiful smile comes out, even with her eyes red from crying and her cheeks smeared with tears. Why can't I make her smile like that..?

He finally says something loud enough to hear, which I assume is about me. "What did he do?"

"He... didn't do anything butㅡ" she pauses and wraps her arms around Seonho's waist, nuzzling her face into his neck. "I don't want to see him ever again."

My heart stops beating. What did I do?

I thought Seonho would have my back but he doesn't say anything and just comforts her, his one hand running through her hair and the other resting on her waist.

Then, I hear words I wish I wasn't present to hear. "Do you want to go to my house?"

She shifts and checks her phone. "My parents are probably coming home soon but... okay." And with that, they start off in the opposite direction, to Seonho's house.

I suddenly feel weak, and I slide down with my back running against the barricade, until I'm planted securely on the cement.

She said she doesn't want to see me again... to Seonho of all people...


(A/N It's so weird reading back on these chapters for revision when I've already finished the entire story in my drafts 😅
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