Chapter 26 - Irresistible

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I walk to Guanlin's house alone, feeling almost naked without my backpack around my shoulders to hold onto. I can't believe I forgot that he's had it with him for so long. Guess I don't really need a backpack in summer.

I fidget around with my phone in my hands, interlocked between all my fingers. I wonder why my parents are suddenly letting me go out all of a sudden... I'm not moving away any time soon.

I've always despised them for that, I think bitterly. And...for a lot of other reasons too.

I take a deep breathe and shake any unpleasant thoughts out of my head. I'm going to see Guanlin again, finally. A smile forms on my lips as I ring his doorbell. He opens the door within seconds and pulls in me in for a hug. I giggle into his chest, wondering if this is our first normal encounter.

"I missed you," he says while pressing his soft lips to my neck.

I smile and nuzzle my face further into his shirt. "I missed you too." I feel his eyelashes tickle my skin as he blinks, and I pull back. "You should lock the door this time."

He raises an eyebrow. "Why? You plan on doing something to me?"

I feel a blush coming after realizing what my words sounded like. "N-No, that's not what I meant..."

He brushes past me and closes the door, an audible clicking sound coming out as he turns the various knobs to lock it. Complicated. He turns to me with a smirk on his face and touches my nose with his. "Oh, but it is what you meant." He closes his eyes and presses his lips to mine while running his fingers down my arm. He interlocks our hands together and brings them up while breaking the kiss, shortly pressing his lips to both of my hands. I blush. "I know you were hoping to make out with me like last time, but I wanna talk to you first." I hum in response. "And then we'll do whatever you want to do with me."

I swallow loudly and look down. "Pervert."

He gives his signature little giggle and pulls me over to his couch. "Sit."

"Make me," I say as I'm sitting down.

"Wait, let me get my rope," he says and jokingly shifts his eyes around the room. At least, I'm hoping it was a joke.

"Okay, okay!" I say, feeling a little scared. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Hmm... Well, first of all," he says while sitting down himself and taking my hands in his. "I broke up with Haeun."

I hear his words but they don't register themselves in my mind, and I question him with a blank look on my face. "W-What?" I breathe out.

"I broke up with her..." He smiles, and it reaches his eyes, making him look irresistibly adorable. I want to squish his chubby little cheeks. the same time, I feel guilty. Doesn't he feel bad? Doesn't she feel bad? I always thought I'd take the first opportunity to date Guanlin, even if it meant asking him the same day of a breakup, it seems insensitive. Sure, he was being forced into it, whatever that means but I imagine going through all of that and telling someone those words can be heartbreaking.

That's why, when he utters his next words, I'm more surprised than I would expect to be. "Mina, will you be my girlfriend?"

"I-I," I stutter as his eyes gaze hopefully into mine. "Yes, of course," I say softly.

He breaks into a grin and wraps me in a hug, pushing me back in the process. "I love you!" And he stuffs my face into his chest, suffocating me in all the layers of clothing he has on. "I can't wait to have children with you." He sighs contently, and I choke on my own spit. Children?

He tilts his head back and looks at me with the prettiest smile on. "I'm joking... Definitely not for another 2-3 years."

I don't hold myself back. "GUANLIN, YOU STUPID F*CK, GET OFF OF ME."

He rubs his cheek against mine like an affectionate cat and replies in a cutesy voice, "Never!"

I cough, still being suffocated while underneath him. "Guanlinㅡ"

He suddenly stops smiling and releases me from under his body weight, pinning my arms above my head. He brings his face close to mine and smirks slightly while brushing his nose against mine. "No one's going to interrupt us today..." He takes my bottom lip in between his own and sucks on it. I release my one hand from his grip and wrap it around his neck to bring him closer. His lips start along the edge of my jaw, and he gives little kisses all the way down to my neck. He pulls back an inch and brings his free hand to my face, gently caressing my cheeks and circling my lips with his thumb. He teasingly tugs on my bottom lip before bringing his swollen pink ones to mine again and not-quite kissing me.

I flinch away and put my hand in between our faces. "Stop teasing me," I say whinier than I intended it to sound.

"Why not?" he says while breathless. "It's fun."

I counterattack his teasing with my own and try escaping from underneath him. I fail, and he looks down at me with a smile on his face. "You can't overpower me, give up." He kisses my nose.

I raise my leg up from in between his and run it across his thigh. "I will kick you in the nuts."

He stops breathing and widens his eyes before letting me escape his hold. Men, I think while rolling my eyes and sitting up on the couch. "I wasn't actually going to kick you. Don't look so scared."

He presses his tongue to his cheek and pouts. "I can't risk breaking my baby-maker."

I laugh. "Baby-maker?"

"Uh huh. Have you ever taken sex-ed?" he says mockingly.

I pull my hair up into a ponytail and secure it with the band around my wrist. It's getting a little hot in here... "No, actually. My parents wouldn't let me."

"The f*ck?" He narrows his eyes. "Don't you have to go?"

I shrug. "Mm. It's not hard to get out of things you don't want to do, Guanlin." I emphasize his name, thinking about his whole 'forced relationship' thing.

"Stop attacking me like this, I'm human too."

"That's debatable." I smile while booping his nose.

He raises a brow. "Did you just boop me?"

"I did." I laugh as he presses a kiss to my palm. I withdraw my hand and playfully kiss the same area. He reveals his teeth with a laugh, and I bite my lip, feeling unexpectedly confident around him now.

His smile suddenly turns sad, and he looks down into his lap. "Mina... After you sent that text to me yesterday and you were so open... I feel obligated to be honest with you now about the whole Haeun deal..."

I thought he already told me everything?

"You can tell me anything you want, Guanlin." I smile as warmly as possible, slightly hurt that he still hasn't come completely open. "And you don't have to if you don't want to."

He looks at me with doe eyes, making me already grant him my forgiveness before he has even spoken. "Well...let me start from the beginning."


(A/N I just wanted to remind y'all that I wrote these chapters more than a month ago, and I'm a completely changed person and writer now 😔😔 Aka, don't judge me for being incredibly cringey in this book, I don't know what I was doing, and I don't even waNT to edit these bc they're so bad 🤧)

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