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''Power mimicry?'' I asked and he chuckled.

''I can copy the knowledge, skills and powers of anyone around me. Anywhere as in, from several feet to a mile radius away from me. Are you satisfied yet?'' he smirked. His large dark eyes staring almost into my soul, waiting for my response.

I don't know what it is, but whenever he does that it sends shivers down my spine. He makes me feel these emotions, I can't explain nor have ever felt before. I gather myself and decide to not show any fear, I sit straight up and look back into his eyes, smiling.

''Satisfied? Sorry, I'm not that impressed.'' 


Her answer made me scoff, she infuriates me, annoys me so bad to the point that I want to rip her head off. But at the same time, the connection between us makes me feel like an entirely different person despite her being vexatious as hell, I still want to hold her close to me...

''We'll see if you'll be fascinated later, princess,'' I whispered. Her body visibly stiffened not used to that kind of language being directed towards her after she made an insult.

"Well, where were we?" I asked staring my story up again. "As I said it's rare that a human can be a vampires soulmate, especially someone high ranked like me or the boys, Namjoon continue," I say turning to Namjoon giving him the word.

"Well, I did research and found out about something, but I need Minji to confirm it," He says looking directly at Minji. "Is there anyone in your family related to vampires?" He asks. "What do you mean?" She answers him with another question.

"What I meant is, is one of your family members a vampire or is one of the married to a vampire and gotten a child together?" He asks and she thinks for a moment. "We have a problem in finding out about that" She answers and we all look at her weirdly.

"I'm adopted and I don't know for sure who my biological parents are or who my biological family is," She confesses. All our mouths dropped open. shit. "Okay, and is there any way how we can find out about them." Namjoon continues.

"Well, I wish we could, but my adoptive mom moved away after I became 18 and we haven't contacted each other since. My adoptive father was killed by people of your kind," She spoke bitterly remembering her past.

 "I'm sorry to hear that, well, uhm how can we continue this?" Namjoon was lost for words.

"Do you know nothing at all about your family?" I ask her and her head shot up to me. 

"Well, my adoptive mother once told me that I used to have a biological brother, but he died in some kind of accident. She refused to tell me what kind of accident, she always said she didn't knew but I don't believe it. I think he is here somewhere, I just don't know for sure. She also never really wanted to mention my real parents, I don't know why but maybe she felt uncomfortable talking about it. She always avoided to answer my questions," She said and I nodded my head.

"Do you have any ideas as to where your adoptive mother can be?" Namjoon asks her and she starts to think. 

"She mentioned a place before, nothing specific. She once said she wanted to move to Daegu, because her other family members live around that area. I decided to stay here with my 'oh so amazing' now ex-boyfriend," She answered looking to the ground as if she was about to cry. I clenched my fists thinking about what kind of jerk made her look so miserable.

She sighed finally opening her mouth again. "The only thing I might know about my mother is her name, my adoptive mother once accidentally said her name while she was on a phone call with someone when I was in the room," she says. 

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