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Things have been hectic these past few weeks. My life nowadays consisted of waking up, eating training, eating, more training, eating, and going back to bed. Luckily I've been told yesterday was the last day and I couldn't be more excited about anything.

I woke up with a smile on my face. I hurriedly got up, picked my robe off the coathanger. As I made my way downstairs I could hear the chit-chat from the boys who were probably awake for hours now. I opened the door and walked in on 4 of the guys, greeting everyone with a smile.

I spotted Jungkook quick enough as I made my way over to him pressing my lips against his cheek. "Good morning handsome," I smiled as I took my place next to him. His eyes were wide as he looked at me. "Someone is in a good mood this morning," He smiled back. "Well, yesterday was the last day of the, no offense boys, most bothersome training I've had in all my life."

"We spend all of our precious time on you, you better not throw it all away and waste it," Taehyung entered the kitchen. "Did I ask for your opinion?, no I don't think so, so shut up."

"Glad my work didn't go to waste, she stopped swearing in front of a group of people," Jin said and Yoongi grunted. "The moment she's alone or with one person she won't hold back I will tell you that" "Shhh you brat don't blow my cover," I say and we all laugh.

"Now that we're all in a good mood it's time for me to get y'all back on earth," Namjoon walked in. "I just received a call from your parents Jungkook, they think it's time," He looked over at Jungkook. "What? I asked them for some more time and now they're saying they want the meeting right now?"

"It's not only the meeting they want to arrange, but it's also to check if Minji fits the picture as future queen and your wife before we announce to the world that you found your mate, wife, and the world's next queen," Namjoon argued back. Jungkook unconsciously grasped my hand in his and squeezed it not looking my way. "Well then, we'll do whatever needs to be done," I answered assuringly.

"Spoken by a true queen," Namjoon commented and I smiled at that. Jungkook glanced at me and slowly smiled. Something is on his mind, but what is it? I quickly shook it off and turned back to Namjoon.

"When do they want us to go to the palace?" I asked him "Tonight, and since the journey will take us at least 6 hours we need to pack our bags now and leave in an hour or so " He answered looking at his watch. 

Everyone stood up in a hurry, Jungkook dragged me with him by the hand. Eventually, we all packed our bags and before an hour went by all of us stood outside the mansion at least 10 bags among us filled with clothes and all other much-needed stuff for our little road trip. 


Almost all of us were exhausted as we arrived 6 hours later in front of the huge gate in front of the castle. Sudden nerves started to hit me. Worry was written all over my facial features. What if they think I don't fit their profile? What if they choose someone else to marry him and be his future queen? 

Jungkook noticed my discomfort as he quietly intertwined our fingers squeezing my fingers in reinsurance. I smiled faintly at him before looking straight ahead seeing the gates opening for our van. 

We drove through and already some people tried to peek inside. Just why does this vehicle have the royal symbols imprinted on the sides. Luckily enough the windows are blinded. Not long after the van stopped and we all got out. The guys formed a small barrier around me so that the onlookers couldn't get a good glimpse of me. 

 We hurried on inside, Jungkook leading the way for me to follow. We stopped in front of a staircase. Jungkook turned around to face us all. 

"Hyungs, you know where your rooms are, I'll take Minji with me to mine, We'll meet you guys at dinner," He says and they nod before leaving one by one. He tugged on my hand signaling me to follow him up the stairs. We walked through a big hallway before stopping in front of a big door at the end. Two guards pulled the doors open so we could enter.

They closed the doors behind us giving us some privacy. I sat down on the bed facing Jungkook whose pacing back and forth in the room. "Would you stop that, you're freaking me out," I say and he stops. "I'm stressed out okay? I knew this day was coming but never have I had the thought about it being right now." 

"Well, I'm sorry, I didn't plan to get captured by you that night but see where it brought us." "Can you please, for the sake of God, do not bring that up again" "I'm sorry, I'm just as stressed as you are" I confess. His eyes soften. He slowly walked over to me. 

He sat down next to me, our knees touching. I wrap my arm around his and place my head on his shoulder, seeking comfort.  "Everything is going to be fine my love, I'm by your side nothing will happen to you, I promise" He whispers against my forehead placing a soft kiss. "You better keep that promise or I will drop-kick your ass to mars" He giggles letting me go. 

"I'm gonna go freshen up from the long ass ride, you can wait here if you'd like, I'll take you to explore the castle after I'm done," He says and I nod my head. He walks off into the bathroom closing the door behind him. I let myself fall on my back, blowing the hair out of my face. 

"Why did I agree to this" I whisper to myself. 

"That's a question I'd like to get the answer of too,"


It's been a while, but here it is, the update everyone has been waiting for!

It's a little boring but...We're hoping to make it better in the future!

With hopefully a bit more time and skills, we'll probably manage to finish this book as well! 

For now, we hope you enjoyed reading this!



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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