Hollow Prayers

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I woke up to white.
Everything was bright and white. I knew I wasn't dead. This isn't what hell or my heaven looks like. I'm in a hospital.
How long have I been here? Why am I in here? Where Dean? Sam? Castiel? My dad? What city am I in? Has Lucifer been stopped?
So many questions ran through my head and felt my heart begin to speed way up. The heart monitor to the side of my bed began to beep rapidly. I bolted up to a sitting position and tried to regain control of my rapid heart and breathing.
"Hey, calm down, love. You need to breathe." I heard my dad's voice. I hadn't noticed him before but he was now beside me sitting half way on the bed facing me. He was trying to get me to focus on him. I looked up at him and focused on trying to match my breath to his like I used to do when I got worked up like this. Slowly I let my breathing slow down. Finally I was breathing almost completely normally.
"What happened? Why am I in a hospital? Where are the boys? Where's Castiel? Did they stop Lucifer?" I asked so many questions in one breath.
"Ok you need to calm down before one of the nurses come back and make me leave again. I'm trying to get you out of here sweetheart." He said quietly moving a pice of hair behind my ear.
I nodded.
"Ok to answer your questions, Zachariah really did some damage to you and you blacked out Dean brought you here and called me. They had to go so I've been here with you. It turns out Zachariah did a lot more damage to you than he did to Sam. You had a lot of trauma and have been in and out of coma for a little over a year. And yes they did stop Lucifer. As for where they are... their plan backfired a bit and Sam got locked in the cage. Dean promised him he'd move on so he moved in with that Lisa girl and her son. He seems happy. I've heard rumors of Sam being back from the cage somehow but apparently his souls missing. I haven't been in Hell long enough to investigate it because I've been here with you but that's not part of my concern for the time being. I wish I could tell you where Castiel was but no one really knows. I've tried finding him. I'm sorry, love." His voice was low as he was trying to sooth me.
All this information was a lot to take in at once it began to make my head hurt. I slowly lied back propped up by the angle of the bed.
"So I've been here for a year? Has Dean tried to find Castiel?" I asked more questions.
"Yes. And kinda, he's retired from the hunting life. I assume if he's talking to Castiel then he knows about you, but since Feathers hasn't been by to check on you, I'd say him and Dean are not in contact with each other. I even tried to tell Dean about you at one point, but he pretended that he had no clue who I was."
"Seriously?" I asked unable to imagine Dean acting like that.
"Unfortunately yes. But never mind that for right now, my main focus for now is you. Do you want to get out of here and go home?" My dad asked.
"Can I even leave? Or do I still need the doctors?" I asked. I really wanted to go home but if I wasn't medically cleared then I would stay.
"I have that taken care of. Some special demons have been recruited to help you in any way you may need. So what do you say? Want to go home?" He asked.
I nodded. "But first take me to Dean. I want to see this for myself." I said. My dad only nodded hesitantly. He left the room so I could get dressed. Then when he came back we were off to Dean's place.
We appeared on his front porch, my dad said he was going to wait around the corner, out of site because he didn't think Dean would want to see him again. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. I waited then a boy about 10-12ish opened the door. He knitted his eyebrows and raised while asking, "Who are you?"
"I'm Y/n. I'm assuming your Ben?" I inquired. My dad had told me what he could about Lisa and Ben and this kid fit the description of Ben.
"How do you know that?" He asked very worried and slightly scared. He went to She the door but I put a hand up to stop it.
"I'm an old friend of Dean's. Dean Winchester. I was told he lives here now. I just wanted to catch up with him, see how he was doing. I know he had a rough time last year. Is he here?" I asked.
"Yeah. Hold on." He said and shut the door I'm assuming to go get Dean.
When the door opened again I expected to be greeted by my old friend but instead it was a woman, Lisa. I smiled at her trying to seem as friendly as possible.
"Hi, I'm Lisa. Dean's out back working on his truck, come on in and I'll go get him." She said opening the door wider for me to walk in.
She led me to the living room and told me to wait there so I took a seat. A few minutes later Dean walked in and saw me. He stiffened up a bit and asked Lisa to give us a few minutes.
He sat down across from me but never met my eyes with his. He wasn't showing any signs of starting a conversation so I did.
"Did she say you were working on your truck? What happened to the impala?" I asked trying to get him to relax which a joke.
"Um, yeah it's for work. The impala is in the garage." He answered quite awkwardly.
"Oh." The conversation quickly died.
"I'm sorry, Yn. I really am. I've been a dick to you and your dad by ignoring him and not coming to see you. I could have even just called to see if you were ok but I didn't. I'm sorry." Dean said with tears filling his eyes but never falling.
"It's ok Dean. My dad told me about what happened, especially what happened with Sam. It's been a hard year for you. But you're right you were kinda a dick by ignoring us. But I can forgive you." I said. He finally looked me in the eyes as a single tear fell down his cheek.
"Thank you." He said quietly. I nodded seeing as no more need to really be said.
After a few moments I spoke up, "So I guess your hunting days are over?" He nodded sadly.
"I thought so. I have one last question before I go." I said and he nodded for me to go on. "Have you heard from Castiel?" I asked full of hope.
"No. He's been MIA, I've tried praying to him but he won't answer me." Dean said sadly.
"Okay. I should probably get going." I said standing up as tears filled my eyes. Dean stood up as well and grabbed my wrist before I could run out. He pulled my back into his chest and wrapped his arms around me. I cried into his chest.
"I can't live without him, Dean. I don't want to live without him." I said between sobs, my words being muffled by his toned chest.
He didn't try to tell me I would be okay because he knew that I wouldn't be. He just held me as I cried. When the finally stopped I pulled away and wiped my eyes.
"I really should go now." I said and rushed out before anything else could be said.
I met my dad out side he tried to question me on why I looked like I had just been crying but I told him I was fine and that I just wanted to go home. He complied and we were back in Hell. I went straight to my room and cried some more. I had lost my soulmate again.

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