Out of Place

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I didn't move. I couldn't move. I've spent so much time crying over him, just wishing I could hear his voice, see his eyes, feel his hand in mine or his lips against my forehead. Just any small sign of him and that he heard me.  That's all I've wanted these past handful of weeks. I would have given anything for it, but now that he's here I don't even know what to do.
Should I go running up to him? Crash my lips into his? Hold him and never let go? Should I just wait for him to come to me? Make it seems like I've been fine without him? Like I didn't miss for a second? Like I haven't spent hours upon hours praying, but not knowing if he can even hear them? Or should I keep this strictly business, like it's supposed to be?
A million questions were running at full speed in my mind. I couldn't hear my dad talking to me but it was as if I was wearing headphones underwater. It was too muffled and fuzzy to make out a single sound.
I realized I hadn't moved from where I stood. I finally allowed my feet to move and my dad got the hint to lead me to my usual chair that was now almost right across the table from Castiel.
As I was being lead to my chair I whispered over to my dad, "Why is he here? He's an angel, he shouldn't be here."
"Like I said this was a very urgent meeting." My dad said simply as he let go of my arm and pulled out my chair for me.
I took a leap of courage and stole a glance at Castiel. He wasn't looking my way just staring down at his lap. He looked so odd here, so out of place. And angel in a meeting full of demons, the king of hell himself and the adoptive human princess of Hell. Who would have ever thought it?

Castiel Pov
I couldn't look at her right now. I knew it wasn't my fault that I hadn't been answering her or have been down to see her but I still felt guilty.
I wasn't there for her when she needed me the most. Instead I was up in heaven trying to solve issues up there when I had my own issues I needed to deal with first.
I know she must hate me now. I can't look at because I don't want to ruin the image of the greatest human I've had the pleasure of meeting and calling my own.
Crowley took his seat next to me at the head of the table.
He cleared his throat and everyone looked his way.
"Let's get this meeting underway. Starting with the elephant, or should I say angel in the room."
His joke was vain attempt to lighten the tension between all the demons in here and myself.
"Hello, my name is Castiel. As Crowley just said I am an angel, I was the only angel who volunteered to come down here to this meeting as a representative of heaven." I explained why I was exactly how Crowley had instructed me to.
We had spoken before hand. He had told me that if it was any other angel that had came he would just let them fend for themselves, but since it was me he knew that Yn would have appreciated the talk me had. He went over all the do's and don'ts of a meeting in Hell.
I wasn't nervous about the meeting or being surrounded by powerful demons that was a stroke in the park compared to what was truly eating away at me. I was nervous to face Yn.

Yn pov
"So it has been brought to my attention that there's a peculiar number of people's souls making it to heaven via a deal gone wrong... anyone care to elaborate on what they know of this?" My dad asked his demons.
I watched as a few took on guilty faces for a split second before going back to being stone faced and shifting their gaze else where.
One demon caught my in particular. Her name was Ruth. She was a nasty one. I had dealt with her many times while my dad was away. She hated humans. She thought that we were lesser and stupider than she was. She'd always try to come in and confuse me to get what she wanted but the table would always get turned around and she's get lost and end up with the complete opposite of what she came for.
"Ruth, you seem a bit tense. Got a guilty conscience?" I asked looking right at her until she met my eyes and darted them away again.
"N-" she went to speak but it was too soft for anyone to hear. Then she tried again, "No..... why would you think that?"
I still held my strong gaze at her knowing that she'd crack eventually. "No real reason just that you seemed a bit uneasy with that question. Do you have something to confess? And before you say 'no' remember what happened the last time you lied to the king?" I said knowing she'd confess.
"Alright fine! Yeah I've killed a few clients. But it's not hat big of a deal. They were asking for stupid stuff." She said trying to defend her reasoning.
I went to say more but my dad cut in before I could speak.
"So you mean to tell me that you, a worthless Crossroads demon, took upon yourself to decide that you didn't want to you job and make a deal?" My dad said. He ended up telling the last bit.
Ruth stayed quiet.
"Well?" My dad said agitated.
"Yes my king, that is what I did." She said. Right as she finished her sentence her neck was snapped and her face hit the table.
I turned away and I thought I saw Castiel cringe some as well.
"Okay so pardon me but I'm still a bit confused as to why......" I paused for a second before saying his name, "Castiel is here. Wouldn't heaven be happy to have souls of the innocent, instead of Hell getting a hold of them and, no offense dad, Turing them into rage fueled demons?" I asked.
"Well I gonna let fathers explain this one." My dad looking over at the angel.
"You see most of these souls are borderline 'innocent.' And when they arrive in heaven they are angry. They become so blinded by this anger that they can no longer sense that we, the angels, are trying to help them. All they want is revenge on the demon that killed them and manipulated them. We can't send the souls down to hell because they are technically rightfully where they belong. The only solution is to stop killing if it's not needed." Castiel explained.
"So what if the Crossroads demons seal the deal then kill the client? Wouldn't the soul belong to hell then?" One of the demons asked. He wasn't a Crossroads demon so he didn't know 100% how deals worked.
"If only if we're that simple. In that case then since the deal was never carried out then the soul doesn't belong to hell, they will either go to heaven or roam the earth for all eternity." I said.
He nodded showing the he understood now why his idea wouldn't work.
A silence fell over the room for a few minutes before a different demon spoke up, "So then what should we do?"
"Well it's already been announced that's there's only one solution to it. Quit killing potential clients." My dad said plainly as if the solution was that simple.
"Ok and how to plan on monitoring the thousands of crossroads in America?" I asked my dad as if he were stupid. This wasn't a simple task, and I don't feel like he understands that.
My dads face fell a little as if he hadn't thought this all the way through. I just stared at him waiting for an answer.
"Well, I have an idea that may work." A deep, familiar voice said. I turned to see Castiel finally looking up at me.
"Well Let's here it then." I said swallowing the lump in my throat.
It was very hard to keep all the emotions I was feeling at bay. I just wanted to let them all out right here right now. Let all the tears I refused to fall, flow just so he could wrap me up in his strong arms and tell me that's everything is ok and that he's never leaving again.
"Rigorous training. For now only let a select few make deals while you train everyone else. Put them through test to see if they can civilly handle a deal." He said.
I looked back and my dad and he seemed impressed. A small smile formed on my lips as I turned back to Castiel.
"I think that's a fantastic idea. But the ultimate decision is up to the king." I said and everyone turn to look at the head of the table where my father sat.
"I agree. The next thing we need to do is decide who will still be doing deals for the time being. Obviously Yn can still handle and children that try to make deals, but who will actually be making real deals needs to be trusted veterans that have never faced a screw up. This decision will not concern any of you that are not officials, so you are dismissed." With that more than half of the demons in the room vanished, leaving my dad, myself, Castiel and 5 of the 'head demons.'
"Yn, feathers, you two are also dismissed." My dad said looking at each of us in turn.
I stood up as did Castiel and walked out of the room with him following me.
When he exited the same two demons from before shut the doors. I didn't say anything to anyone just continued to walk towards the study. If I didn't know better I would have told Castiel to follow me but he already was.
I sat down and smoothed our the fabric of my dress. Castiel sat across from me in an identical arm chair.
The silence was deafening. It was so quite that it was loud, I felt like I couldn't even hear my own thoughts.
"Please let me explain everything." Castiel's voice brought my hearing back.
I looked at him a studied his face for a moment. Every single inch of it all the way to lines forming in his forehead from stress.
I couldn't trust my words so I just nodded. I was prepared to hear whatever he had to say. Even if it's not what I wanted to hear from him.
He took a moment to gain his thoughts as he looked down at his hands.

Castiel pov
I needed a moment to figure out exactly what I wanted and needed to say. I looked at down at my hands as I thought. After I was done mentally preparing myself I looked up, ready to confess everything.

An Angel in Hell (CastielxReader) (fatherCrowley x daughter reader) Where stories live. Discover now