Chapter 5

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{Zayn's POV}

I was flipping through an old magazine on the coffee table of my mum's home. I was the only one home at the moment, but I didn't mind. I like it when it's quiet. Being in a band doesn't give you a lot of alone time to just chill and be a normal kid.

I may be nineteen years old, but in my heart I will always be the little Bradford boy that was awkward and shy around everyone. Well, everyone except Payton.

Ever since that day at the mall I haven't been able to get her out of my head. Payton Grimshaw wasn't your normal teenage girl. She was kind of a bookworm, and she stuck to herself. I remember being in fourth grade and going over to Payton's house to see if she could come to my birthday party. At the time, she said she couldn't because she wanted to finish a really good book.

Of course she showed up, though. Payton was always there for me.

I shook my head hoping to get Payton out of it. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a box of Cheerio's. I hate Cheerio's, but they were the easiest thing to make at the moment. My mum was out getting some groceries from the market.

I pulled out my phone as I munched on my breakfast and decied to check Twitter. I pulled up the app and saw people tweeting about me and Payton a lot. The fans tend to create stories in there head that never actually happened.

Like this one time, Harry was rumoured to have gotten arrested in New York City because he punched a guy. That never happened. Harry Styles is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet - he could never just punch someone without a really valid reason.

At that moment the doorbell rang. I sighed - worried it might be another fan. Ever since I arrived home random girls have showed up at my home. I've been polite, obviously, but a guy needs his privacy too. I peeked through the window and I was surprised when I saw a pair of green eyes and curly brown hair.

"Harry?" I asked shocked as I welcomed him into my home. He nodded, not looking me in the eyes.

Harry walked in and took a seat on the sofa in my living room. He was fiddling his fingers in his hair and I could tell he was nervous and tense. You pick up on some things about people when you spend almost everday with them.

I didn't even realize Harry was in Bradford.

"What's going on, Haz?" I asked concerned.

"Did you know that Payton Grimshaw is my cousin?" He blurted out while concentrating on the hard wood flooring underneath his feet.

I took a step back, shocked. Of course I knew. I've seen Harry's pictures around Payton's house all my life.

"Yeah, I did.." I trailed off, not knowing where this conversation was headed.

"When were you going to tell me what happened between you too, then?" Harry was mad. Harry rarely got mad.

The five of us lads never really got into any arguments before. Not anything major, anyways.

"I didn't think it was that important. When I met you I hadn't spoken to Payton in five years." It was the truth. It didn't make up for anything, but it was the truth.

"Do you even realize how much she cares about you? Or are you just stupid?" Harry finally made eye contact with me. I was shocked to see anger in his eyes.

"Are you mad at me about this?" I was stunned. Mostly because Payton didn't like me. I don't know what Harry was thinking. Every time I've seen Payton since I got home she had made it perfectly clear how she felt about me.

It sucked though. I finally figured out why I cared so much that we didn't talk for years. I was in love with Payton Grimshaw. If only she knew.

She wouldn't know though. As long as I had control over it. That meant not telling Harry. That meant lying to my best mate.


{Harry's POV}

I sat there staring at my best friend. It was so hard being angry with him because we never got into arguments before.

That didn't matter though. All that mattered was he hurt Payton. Payton was more of like a little sister too me. I cared about her, and all I wanted to do was protect her from being hurt. When I saw how hurt she was over Zayn, it broke my heart.

I knew she didn't want me to come talk to Zayn, but I had too.

"Zayn, listen to me. I don't know exactly what happened between you too. All I know is she's hurting over it. Obviously she cares about you more than you think. If this was any other normal friendship, she would have forgotten about it by now."


{Zayn's POV}

Harry had a point, I guess. Was he right though? Did Payton care about him? She didn't act like it. But now that I think about it, I haven't acted 100% truthful with her about how I feel either.

I would honestly do anything for Payton. I never realized just how special to me she actually was until I saw her again.

Her smile makes everything better. I remember that about her. No matter how upset you are, Payton Grimshaw's smile could always make you feel better.

I remember one time about ten years ago...

[back in time]

"Payton!! Leave me alone! I'm not happy right now. I don't want to play." I yelled at the brunette girl staring at me from my treehouse. We always used to hangout up there and play around with our baseballs.

"Zaynie come out here! Don't be sad." I heard her worried voice from outside the treehouse room. I looked out and saw her sitting there. She had two french braids down the back of her head. Her braces were black and orange for Halloween.

I was sad because my pet dog Monster died. My mum said he was really sick.

"I miss Monster." I said as a tear fell down my cheek. Payton crouched next to me and wiped a tear away with her pink gloves. She smiled at me and my stomach felt warm.

"I miss Monster too, Zaynie." She pulled me in for a tight hug and I didn't let go.

"Payton, promise we will always be best friends?" I whispered too her.

"I promise. But you have to promise me something too." I looked at her curiously.

"Promise me we will never be boyfriend and girlfriend." I started laughing.

"Ew! That's gross! You're a girl!" She pushed me and I hit my head on the wooden latter head next to me.

"I'm sorry Zaynie! Are you okay?" She asked worried. I flashed a toothy grin at her.

"I promise, Goose."

"Good, Duck." I laughed. Ever since we were little I called Payton Goose and she called me Duck.


[present day]

"Goose." I laughed.

"What did you say, mate?" I looked up, startled. I forgot Harry was still sitting there.

"Nothing." Harry nodded and went back to staring at the ground.

I smiled to myself, though. I flashed my toothy grin that earned me the nickname "Duck" in the first place.

Goose and Duck. Sounds like a good team.

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