T w e n t y N i n e

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Skye's POV

"Madam, sorry to disturb you," Samuel says, walking into my room after knocking. "Dante would like you to go down and join him for dinner."

I look at the clock on the beside table and it shows that it is only four o'clock.

"Oh, okay. Must I wear something fancy or is what I am wearing okay?" I ask. Everything in this place is so upper class that eating here is probably going to be like eating at a Michelin star restaurant.

"You can wear anything, although..." He gets really uncomfortable and frowns, fiddling with his hands. "I apologise, but Dante asked me to say this. He would rather prefer it if you were... nude."

I chuckle and stand up. "I'll just go as I am. Show me the way, please?" I say. I'm still in sweatpants and a top from the plane, but screw it. It's just Dante, not anyone important.

He nods and leads me down several sets of stairs, until I am almost certain we are underground. He continues to walk down a corridor until we reach a large archway that shows the view of a extremely long dining table.

The table is set for over a hundred people, at least. I walk into the room with a smile on my face. "Please take a seat. Dante should be here shortly," he says and then walks out. I walk to the end of the room and sit at the head of the table, acting like I'm the King.

I sit in silence, but after a little while I get bored and lift up my glass. "Thank you all for coming. Let the feast begin!" I say a deep voice, trying to sound as manly as possible.

"Boo!" someone shouts behind me and I shriek, accidentally dropping the cup onto the table.

It clatters against the wood and someone throws their hand over my mouth to stop me from screaming again, making me freak out even more. Oh my gosh, I am going to die.

"Geez, woman, relax. It's me," Dante says.

I stop screaming and wait until he moves his hand off my mouth. I turn to look at him and my eyes narrow. "I know. You're so ugly that I couldn't help it."

He rolls his eyes and pulls out the seat closest to mine, then sits down. I pick up the cup that fell and place it upright, then glance at Dante. He is just smiling at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Do you like my house?"

"Why do you care what I think?"

"Answer my question."

"Yes, Dante. I like everything of yours. Your car is amazing, your house is absolutely stunning and makes me feel like royalty. You have a perfect life. Congratulations."

I sigh and lean forward, staring down at the white plate in front of me. I will be honest and say that I am jealous, but who wouldn't be jealous? He has my dream car and basically lives in a palace. Anybody normal would want what he has.

"Hey, I'm sorry, sweetheart, but if you want..." He takes my hand and intertwines it with his. "You can be my girl. You'll get me and everything that I own." He winks and for a moment I forget to breathe.

I look away quickly. "I'm not a gold digger. I'm not going to date you because I like your car. Not a chance."

"I know," he whispers and squeezes my hand slightly. "But you said you like everything of mine, huh? Just wait until you see my di—"

Dante stops talking because a lady walks into the dining room, pushing a rattling tray full of food towards us.

She stops right beside us and smiles. "Hola, esta noche el chef ha hecho muchos platos, incluyendo lasaña, langosta, caracoles, curry y más. Si tiene alguna otra solicitud, hágamelo saber. Disfrutar."

"Gracias," Dante says. The lady nods and places all the dishes down on the table. Once everything is set, she bows slightly and then walks off.

Dante gestures for me to dish first and I hesitantly do. I take a block of lasagna and a piece of lobster. Must be nice to be casually served lobster at home, as if it is the most normal thing in the world.

"So, Skye, about the whole 'buying a house' thing, why don't you just stay here? I mean, I'm going to be at work most of the time anyway so you won't have to see me much, and there are so many empty rooms that it would be a waste if you were to stay somewhere else. I'll still buy you whatever you want but it will save a lot if you just stay with me."

I hesitate a little. Won't it be awkward living in a house with him? I doubt it's a good idea. But on the other hand I don't want him to waste money, and living in this house would be like a dream come true. "Okay," I agree.

"Really? Great! You can use whatever you want in the house: the kitchen, bathrooms, any rooms, the lounges. What's mine is yours, but just don't go in my room, okay? That's the only place that is off limits."

Knowing my stupid ass, I'll probably still end up snooping around in his room.

"Wow, Dante, I knew you were in love with me, but asking me to move in?" I tease.

He stares at me emotionlessly and then glances away, not saying anything. His jaw clenched and the sound of the chair screeching against the floor fills the room.

He stands up and, without a word, he walks away.


Butt-hurt? Alrighty.

Soooo I have something to ask you guys...

I have about 14 chapters of this book already written BUT I wrote this book a while ago and I don't know if it makes much sense. I'm sure it does slightly but it's not up to the standard of how I've learnt to write now. Would you guys like me to continue it as it is or reconstruct it a little to remove plot holes and stuff? It's a first draft of course so it won't be perfect but the choice is yours. What do you say? :)

T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx
I n s t a g r a m : laylaawrites
Y o u t u b e : xThePineappleGirlx

Lots of love and jelly tots - xThePineappleGirlx

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