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"Does cutting the grass for neighbours count as a summer job?" I muse as I stare at my laptop. Nate shrugs as he fills out another question on his homework sheet.

"Sure. It's entrepreneurial if you got paid for it." He replies. I scrunch my nose up at the word in confusion but put it on my resume. Even with that though my resume was woefully short. One page was a stretch. I broke out some of my more impressive classes and added in some volunteer stuff I had done with the soccer association.

"I seriously wonder how anyone our age manages to get jobs. If I end up being a fry boy I think I will cry." I say with a grimace. Nate ruffles my hair.

"Relax. Money is money. Besides, I am sure you would make a cute fry boy." He snickers at my gagging motion.

"I'm thirsty." I moan as I lay back on the bed. Nate glances over at me and rolls his eyes.

"I'll get you something. I'm thirsty too. Pepsi?" He asks. I nod and roll over. Come to think of it, I'm hungry too. I look over at my clock and see it is getting later in the evening.

"Hey Nate! Grab some cookies too!" I call out. I don't hear an answer so I groan and get up off the bed. I trudge into the hallway. "Nate?" Still no answer. He must be down in the kitchen. I walk down the hall and get part way down the stairs when I hear the voices.

"...out with me?" I heard my sister's voice. She sounded a little scared and her voice was pleading. I waited with bated breath to hear the response.

"I'm sorry Liz. There is someone else I like. I am really flattered that you like me... but I can't date you." His voice was quiet and firm.

"Why not? You aren't with them right now, are you?" She whined. Typical. I rolled my eyes at her logic.

"Doesn't matter. I might as well be. Besides, your brother would castrate me if I wasn't serious. Let's not make things awkward between us Liz." He answers her. I hear footsteps and scramble quietly up the stairs to duck in the bathroom. I wait until they go by and then flush. I actually wash my hands in the sink, because even faking it you gotta do it right.

I run downstairs and grab a pack of cookies. My sister is watching some cartoon in the living room, not a tear in sight. I scramble back up the stairs and walk into the room, not to see Nate waiting expectantly, but to see him sprawled in front of my tv with a controller to my system in hand. He had already started a game without me. He doesn't even look over.

I pout. I just pretended to take a crap for him so he wouldn't feel awkward, so the least he could do is invite me to play with him. I crack open the can on my night table and flop onto my bed with a huff. He ignores me as he loads up his latest level on my system. I stare at the back of his head, willing him to look over at me.

"Finish your homework. Then you can play with me, brat." He grins at me over his shoulder. I sigh and stare at my ceiling. He is right, but I hate it when he is right. So I wait a good five minutes before taking out my sheet and stare at it blankly.

"Are you sure we learned any of this?" I mumble. Nothing looks familiar. Maybe I really am that stupid. I scratch my head and glance at Nate concentrating on his game. I look at his bag, all put away and tidied nicely. Maybe I could just....

"Forget it Brad. Touch my bag and die. Do your homework properly. I have never let you copy before so don't think you can now." He said sternly without looking. I sigh in frustration and flip through my book. What chapter were we on? I think it was six. I flip to six and the diagrams all look complicated and confusing to me. Maybe it was five?

"Why do I even bother with this crap." I mutter. Nate sighs and pauses his game.

"Because you have to pass so they will let you out of there." He replies logically. I open my mouth to argue and nothing comes out.

"Damn you, logic." I huff. He grabs my book and flips open to a page.

"Paraphrase this." He says to me. I cock my head to the side like a confused puppy. He splutters a laugh at me. "Oh my god. This page has the answers. Rewrite them on your sheet so you don't plagiarise. Got it?"

"Oh. Yeah sure. Thanks buddy." I grin at him and get to work on the sheet. He watches me for a second and then goes back to the game. I almost lose the page when I reach over for my can, and scramble with a bit of panic to keep it. Nathan looks at me funny and I try to act casual. I can hear him muttering under his breath but I can't pick up the words.

I scatter crumbs all over the book when I try to shove two cookies in at once. Then I accidentally spit more in when I try to swear around them and brush some out. At least now I won't lose my page. I shrug. Good point self. I keep getting distracted by the sounds coming from my tv and scribble the last question half-assed so I can play too.

"I'm done. Shove over bitch." I say to him playfully. He smiles up at me and waits for me to log in before continuing the mission. It occurs to me that if he gets a girlfriend we won't be hanging out as much anymore. I would miss this. Shit, and what about my homework? Man, if he splits on me I think I'm going to fail.

He would be crazy not to go for Shanta if she asks him though. They would look so amazing together too. Both of them with their incredible black hair right out of a shampoo commercial. Him being so tall and muscular compared to her slim, athletic build. They were both smart too, so they probably had way more in common then the two of us.

Holy crap. Was I jealous? Naw, that can't be it. The pang in my chest wondered though. I looked over at his sitting form next to me and I shook it off. He is right here. I will worry about it when the time comes. Right? I went back to my game.

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