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"Ready to go kiddo?" My mum asks as we take one last look at the empty house.

I take a deep breath

"Yeah.....I think so" I say.

I turn to see my mum smiling brightly back at me, her long brown hair pulled into a ponytail, her brown eyes are full of excitement.

"We're going to be fine Lou, this is a huge opportunity for you, we are going to love Manchester" She tells me enthusiastically.

I can't help but smile big in response.

For the last 16 years it's been just me and my mum, my dad left when I was born and it's been the two of us, together ever since.

I grew up in Holmes Chapel, a small English town and football is my absolute life. My mum works at the local hospital as a midwife and I should be starting year 11 at high school. Last year though, at the schools last football game of the season, I was approached by two scouts and I've been selected for a football scholarship at Manchester university. The scholarships aren't usually offered to kids as young as me and since I'm just 16 my mum legally has to live with me until I turn 18. She didn't hesitate when we were told though and was quick to put in for a transfer at work so I could have this opportunity. My mum is the most selfless, awesome person I've ever met and her and I make an awesome team. I love her to death and don't know what I would ever do without her.

"Yeah, it's just sad to leave the house, I grew up here, we've been here for so long" I say as we both look around the empty living room.

"I know, but change is as good as a holiday hun and you are going to be amazing Lou! I'm so proud of you" My mum beams as she comes over and wraps me up in her arms, she kisses me on the side of the head.

"Thanks mum" I reply happily.

"Okay let's get going, we need to beat the traffic out of the city" She says.

We walk out of the house and close the door behind us, we get into mums old Camry and she pulls out of the driveway. I take one last look at my childhood house, it saddens me a little, but I'm happy to be moving to Manchester, this experience and opportunity is a huge honour. I am nervous, but I'm excited and I really can't wait to start training.

"I've just got to stop by work one last time Boo, I have to pick up my last pay check and say goodbye to a few of the girls" My mum says.

"Okay" I say as I turn the radio up and thumb my fingers on my black skinny jeans, I fix my white sweater on my shoulders, it's far to big for me but it's one of my favourites.

When we pull into the car park of the hospital we get out and walk inside the emergency department and to the lifts at the back so we can get to the maternity floor.

"Mum do you mind if I wait here?" I ask.

I don't really want to see my mum get emotional as she says goodbye to her good friends.

"Sure honey, here" She says as she hands me £5

"Go get something from the vending machine, I'll meet you back in the waiting room. I shouldn't be too long" She tells me with a kiss to my forehead.

I smile as the lift dings and she gets in.

I turn round In search of the vending machine, I walk down a small quiet carpeted hallway and find it in the corner. I play with the sleeves of my shirt as I decide what to get, I put my money in the machine and click on the can of Pepsi, as it's coming out of the machine though, it somehow stops and gets stuck.

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