Chapter 27: Battle (2/3)

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After our little time of joy in the auditorium, we all went to our dorms. How, you ask? Well, let's just say that it's their school and we, like normal and civilized students, have to abide to their terms. And so, we ended up having decent dorms of our own.

Ok fine, yeah! It was disgusting, I admit that I am a dude but seriously, I keep my things well-organized.

This just proves how much of a slop they are.

Anywho, we, and I mean me, Matt, Bella, and Cha were on our way to our first class when I heard the CA students shouting at each other.

"Why can't we just do plan T?" a girly voice asked

"Because, we can't afford to lose the school's reputation!" a husky voice, in return, replied

It was coming from our classroom so we decided to go the other way when the bell rang and they went out the classroom.

"L-Look! J-Justin, I-I think they he-heard it!" the girl whispered

"Don't you think I know that? And if so, what do you want me to do about it?"

"I don't know, just do something!"

And by instinct, and I turned around and caught 'Justin's' hand.

"Ho-How'd you-" he was caught off when Cha spoke

"C'mon, Hunts. We don't have time to play their game." she said as she pulled my arm and lead us to our classroom.

"What was that for?" Matt said with confusion.

"Something 'bout a plan, I suppose" Cha reminded them.

"Bella, I have a job for you." she sighed deeply and continued "Investigate the background of the school and the history of the principal as well as the student's. I need ASAP!"

"On it!" Bella took out her phone and ran outside as our classmates from CA and Stardom walks in.

Not long after, the professor came in and started our lesson about values.


"So in conclussion to our discussion, I want all of you to write me a 3-page essay on something that you love. It could be physical attributes, abilities and skills, attitudes and personalities, or anything that you love, due at the end of the week."

3-page essay? I wonder what I'll be writing.

Basketball? Eh, too common

Lovelife? Eh, too corny

Myself? Eh, too conceited

Friendship and Relationships? Eh, too offending, atleast for Cha

Events? What event? Almost everything that happens in my life is too full of drama.

Skill? What kind? Skill that you can show off to your friends because you know they can't do it and you can.

I got up and went out of the classroom and decided to skip class. I kept thinking about what I will write when somebody bumped me.

"I-I'm so sorry, Really, I am!" It was a CA girl

"Sure, whatever" I said flatly as I picked up her stuff and handed it to her. As I was about to walk away, the nerdy CA girl spoke again.

"No punishment, no harassing, no nothing?" I looked back at her with a confused face.

"Why would I punish and harass you?" I took a step forward but she took a step back.

"It was only an accident, right? Unless you did it on purpose, did you?" Again, I stepped forward, she stepped back

"W-what? N-no! I would never do anything that would purpt myself in danger."

"What is up with you and punishment? What, is it like a custom here? "

"Well, old habits die hard, you know!" she suddenly mumbled.

"What did you say again? Habits?" I stepped back but she didn't budge, she just looked down on the grassy fields we're on.

"They treat you bad, don't they?" I stepped forward again and I saw tear drops falling.

"I wouldn't be surprise of they bullied other students, do they?" I raised her head and wiped the tears off.

"We can help you. We can help all the victims here if you would help us stand up from all the superior-wannabes in this school" She just stared at my face, not saying a single thing.

I sighed and turned around and started walking. I put my hands on my pockets when she ran up to me and cried.

"Th-they treat us like slaves! Everytime we do something wrong, we either get bullied by the boys or blackmailed by the girls. " she sobbed and went on "We don't have any choice since the principal's daughter rules this school. Authorities don't touch this school because Mr. Howard is very influential and he can get the whole army in the country to fight on his behalf"

(A/N: Yeah, he can't really do that because this is only a story, but the imagination's the limit right?)

My heart suddenly beats faster, I grabbed her hand and ran to the building A. I quickly located Cha because her class was over and dragged her with the girl to the back of the building.

"What the hell? Hunter?" she exclaimed.

"No time" I said, then I faced the girl "Explain, now"

She explained everything to Cha. She dismissed me and said she'll interrogate and investigate the case.

I texted Bella and told her that we had some information. She replied that she has useful informations. Matt texted the both of us telling us that we're not suppose to text in class.

I could just imagine that Matt confiscated Bella's phone so she can focus on her studies. No surprise in that.

I decided to sleep and skip my classes for the whole day.



"Ten minutes!" I screamed groggily at my alarm clock


"Ten minutes!" I screamed again, what time is it even? Last time I checked, I was napping in school-

I was napping in school-

I was napping in school-

I was napping in school-

I was napping in school-

I was napping in school-

"Fuck, shit! Why didn't you wake me up?" I got up quickly and realized that I was sleeping on a branch so I fell butt-first.

"I was the alarm, dummy!" Bella said as she showed me her phone with 5 alarms to wake me up

Wake the dumbass

Wake the sad, excuse for a human being

Kick his ass and make him fall from the tree

Tell Chariza

Throw him off a river

She really did it though, but when I checked my phone, it was 1:30

"You better hurry your ass up or Cha's gonna go berserk!" Bella said while pushing me away.

"Fine, fine, Let me just get my bag!"'I exclaimed with irritation.

"No time! I'll take it to you!" she countered as she kicked me one last time.

She pushed me again so I walked a few steps forward. I looked back and she was carrying my baggage with ease. She even made a gesture to shoo me away.

When I was reassured, I ran up to the building where we were suppose to meet.

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