Chapter 12 : Gulity Sin💓

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Okay, so we're gonna make this chapter interesting. Lmao I do Left you nasties wanting smut, sorry didn't provide buttt this chapter must..😫😂 a side of Meliodas I've always wanted to see will be unleashed, and hopefully portrayed well soo let's go!


"Hey.. uh Elizabeth"? Hawk asked gently, the girl looking up at the stairs longingly. This grabbed the princess's attention, and she looked down at the pig giving a weak, yet calming smile. "Yes... Hawk"?

"Meliodas hasn't been out of his room since yesterday.. is everything okay"? The worried animal asked, the princess.. once again sighing.

Currently, Meliodas was pacing back in forth. He lost it. His cool. He was usually a calm and rational person, but when he saw those men touching her.. his Elizabeth.. he felt..

Wrath.. Rage.. Anger.. Murderous..

Emotions.. he felt with his beloved Liz.. now and again with Elizabeth. He didn't wanna hurt anyone, but he was too in love with the princess to care. Their trip to Camelot had been put on hold, the Boar Hat pausing for the day to let things and the tension cool down. Naturally, it was open again.. so costumers came in and out, drinks and the sins working as staff again.

Of course, Elizabeth couldn't focus. She had to go check on Meliodas, and she had to soon. She felt as though, he needed her at this point. And of course, she felt the same. Elizabeth turned away from Hawk to rush up the stairs, the pig giving a sigh- but let her go anyways.

Her heart raced, and her body began to shake. She steadily creeped towards the door, slowly with a burst of courage- managing to knock.

"Uhm, S-Sir Meliodas.. I uh.. I was wondering if I could come in..",

Silence. Only for a few seconds before a low, husky voice answered back to the shaky yet bell like one.

"Yeah.. it's open Elizabeth",

She creeped in, and stuck her head in first- noticing he didn't have his shirt on to blush hard before slowly adjusting it back to where she could merely peek in. "O-Oh! I'm sorry were you"-

"Just get in here Elizabeth..",

"I-Uhm! Okay..", She slowly slid in again, the door shutting behind her as her face heated up with red again. Elizabeth averted her eyes, making the captain give a chuckle. "Did I scare you.."?

The princess wanted to answer, but also didn't know how. With a shaky response she said. "I didn't know.. I uh.. meant that much to you, especially since you have someone already S-Sir Meliodas..",

This made the sin growl, lowly.. like a wild animal. He grabbed her arm, and pinned her towards the wall- it managing to be soft.. but firm at the exact same time. A small gasp came from the girl, and she shivered under his touch. He pulled away, ashamed from what he had done.

"I don't have anyone.. Elizabeth.. and.. I do scare you, I'm sorry.. I won't bother you anymore..",

Elizabeth jumped forward, wrapping her arms around him to let tears slip from her eyes. She nuzzled into his neck, and gave a small.

"N-No.. p-please don't... don't.. l-leave me..",

Meliodas smiled, a small tear escaping him as he held her back.. tightly and lovingly.

"I don't want you to see me like that ever again.. and don't you worry..

I won't leave you.. I promise",

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