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THINGS were starting to get different, and not necessarily in a good way. Ever since Taehyung got himself a boyfriend, he and Jeongguk didn't hang out that much anymore. Their dinners together & movie nights were thrown out of the window, together with their late night talks and early morning breakfasts.

"What's wrong Jeonggukie?", Hoseok asked one morning when he saw how down the younger looked as he pushed his cold gone eggs around. He had joined Jeongguk's friend group that morning since he found it a good idea to become friends with them too. Hoseok really was an overly social type.

The ravenhead didn't reply as he was deeply lost into his thoughts, not hearing anything that was being said at the table or even in de whole cafeteria.

"He's been like this ever since Taehyung declared he had a new boyfriend or something", Lizzie replied, grumbling a little, "I think he's abandoning our little Ggukie".

Hoseok cooed at this and cupped the youngest's cheeks, startling him out of his thoughts.

"Our little Jeonggukie is lonely", he cooed, making the younger slap his hands away. "Shut up", the said Ggukie whined, hiding his face into his arms, "I just didn't sleep too well".

His friends frowned at this but decided not to ask anything about it. Jeongguk obviously wasn't in the mood to talk so they let him be and quietly began a conversation about Hoseok's hot dance teacher.

In the meantime the raven haired boy was slowly sinking into a peaceful slumber, trying to make up for the sleep he missed this night. As he fell asleep on the cool surface of the table, head safely tucked between his arms, I'm taking you back to the night before to see what happened between Jeongguk & Taehyung.

Taehyung wasn't home yet, like always. He was always away with his boyfriend until he'd late into the night stumble back into the dorm. Sometimes he would stay over at his boyfriend's and Jeongguk would awaken without anyone else in the room.

This night, he fell asleep on his own once again. He had been watching a Markiplier video and had fallen asleep half way into the thing. He had left all the lights burning – which wasn't a big issue to him since he was used to sleeping with the lights on – but to the person walking into the dorm at around 1 am, it was a disturbance.

Taehyung sleepily flicked all the lights off and got into bed after quickly throwing off his shirt and putting on comfy shorts. He hadn't bothered with turning on the fairy lights because 1. Jeongguk was already asleep and 2. he thought it didn't matter.

He quickly fell asleep, only to awaken around 3 am by soft cries. He first thought he was imagining them until the cries soon turned louder and it sounded like a person was heavily panicking. Taehyung's eyes widened when he realized it was Jeongguk and he quickly jumped out of bed after turning on the little lamp on his nightstand.

Jeongguk, on the other hand couldn't breathe. He had awoken out of a nightmare with loud sobs and had been met with a pitch black room, turning every cell in his body to panic mode. He couldn't deal with the dark, especially not when he was crying and needed reassurance.


A whisper.

The said boy was clutching his chest that was going up and down in a too fast rhythm. His body was going in an overdrive, one that was too fast for his brain to logically comprehend.

"Jeongguk. Hey it's alright", a deep voice now, one he recognized as that of his roommate, "I'm here. It's okay".

He let out a loud cry when the a light flicked on and he was able to see his roommate now. Taehyung's face was contorted  in a worried expression as he scrambled onto the bed to try and comfort Jeongguk. The younger latched onto the taller's body as if he was sinking and Taehyung was the last patch of dry land.

He sobbed into the older's bare chest, feeling warm arms wrap around him in hopes to comfort him. Jeongguk himself didn't really understand why he was crying so much. It had all been a dream. His parents dying, it hadn't been real, but still it really felt like it had been. He had cried himself out of his nightmare and had felt so miserable, thinking it was all real. And when he wanted to tell himself it was just a dream by opening his eyes, but only darkness meeting him, he had panicked.

"It's okay Jeongguk, you're fine now", Taehyung softly spoke, stroking the younger's back in a soothing manner.

"I-I d-don't know wh-why", the younger panted out, wanting to explain himself but not being able to by the lack of breath.

Taehyung had tried to comfort him with the best of his abilities and had eventually succeeded. Both boys had fallen asleep on Jeongguk's bed since the younger hadn't been able to unlatch himself from the older boy. He had been too afraid to let go, scared that if he did Taehyung would disappear and he'd find out he was actually alone in the dorm once again.

He had been all warm and safe in the older's embrace when he fell asleep.

But his body had gone cold and lonely when he woke up.

Taehyung was gone again.

Another song of Bazart
This one is called Chaos
Hope you enjoy the Dutch artists a bit ^^
(and this book of course)

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