The Outside..(Part 1)

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Everyone was down at the kitchen and I was still asleep. I mean, I can't believe that Manny ran away from us, because Notie nor Tony lets them play outside. I thought about it in my mind that maybe, just today in the morning, that the gang could experience being outside.

As I turned on the bed, I smelled something delicious. I was like, "What can that be smelling so good?"

I got out of bed and went into the kitchen and saw Notie cooking with Tony. They were making bacon on a skillet while cooking scrambled eggs and toast. My fav breakfast!

"Woah. You guys can cook!" I exclaimed to them. Notie looks over at me with a grin and Tony looks at me and said, "Well.. Uh.. Thanks.. Alicia?" He was tryna get my nane right again. "Yeah, it's Alicia alright," I said with a giggle.

I sat with the others at the table. "Morning guys!" I exclaimed. They all looked all down and sad, kinda like if it was Monday, but it wasn't Monday..
I poked Robin softly and he looked over at me with that shaggy green hair and his black eyes. I stared at him and asked, "Hey.. What's wrong?" He shrugged and said, "We're like this every morning.."

"Notie says if we be quiet, we can get breakfast!" Said Manny. My smile turned into a straight face and I looked over at Manny. "Don't you want to talk about.. Your dreams? You guys can talk about your dreams at the table right?" I looked back at Notie and Tony; Still cooking.

"We can't do that either.. We'll be too loud for them.." Harry said. I shook my head and giggled "Inside voices, Harry.." I looked back at Notie. "Hey, can we talk about what we dreamed about?"

Notie stared over at me, putting our breakfasts together and she nods
"Please don't be loud.." Tony mumbled and I nodded. "We won't!" I snickered.

So, we were all talking about our dreams this morning. Mine was about me and my mom.. The argument to which led me here..

Manny's dream was about cupcakes and happy stuff.
Robin was literature, dreaming he was a successful author in the industry.
Harry's dream.. Well.. To be a business man I believe..
"Well, you guys had some great dreams!" I exclaimed, clasping my hands together.

Notie and Tony both put our breakfasts on the table as I began to chow down like I haven't ate in some days. Manny, Robin, and Harry took their time, but watched me mostly.

"Jeez Alicia. Slow down!" Notie said, patting my head.

"Oh-" I did a slight hiccup before looking over at Notie. "I'm sorry.. I just haven't ate a couple of days.. Heh." I began to slow down and Manny poked my side as I looked over at him.

"How's it like to be outside?" He asked, tilting his head.
"Well, it feels good when your out and you get to play with your siblings or just walk around or ride or some'," I said while chowing down on some toast.

"How does grass feels?" Harry asked, looking down at me. I looked up at him and just.. Blinked. They never had their feet on grass?!

"Well.. It feels.. Soft? Depends on which grass your on.." I said, still looking at Harry, until Manny touched my shoulder. I looked at him and he had a smile on his face. "When I ran away, I wanted to be outside for once.."

"Yeah. I can somewhat relate to that.." I said, getting done with my breakfast and getting up. I was heading to the bathroom and Notie was staring at me while I was making my way up.

"What's with the funny face..?" Asked Robin, glaring at Notie. She looked back at him with a smug look. "It's nothing.." She mumbled and Robin smirked. "Your thinking about taking us outside huh..?"

"I never said it! So, why would I take you guys outside?!" Yelled out Notie. Tony calmed her down as Robin stood up. "We're going outside today.."

I was looking through the corner with my toothbrush in my mouth with a wide smile.
"..Fine, but.. Don't do anything to humiliate yourself!" Yelled out Notie again. Harry and Robin highfived as Manny clapped his hands together, excited.

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