Chapter 8

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"A picture is a poem without words"

- Horace


She directly came home after college as there is an audition and found a parcel on her doorsteps, picking that parcel she went in.

She was shocked to find a gown with a note saying 'Be ready by 6 o clock'.

Smiling at the note, she wore the dress. It fitted her perfectly. She wondered how he knew her size.

Soon she heard knocking sound and went to greet him.

When she opened the door, he stood still on seeing her. He knew it would look beautiful but never thought it would be a breathe taking one.

"Umm, how is it?" she nervously asked.

"You look lovely." he whispered to which she blushed.

"Come in. I still have many things to do." saying that she went to dressing table and started applying make-up.

"You look great without them actually." he said looking at her reflection in the mirror.

She grinned.

"Anyway, I brought these for you." saying that he stretched his hand out showing her a box.

She picked it up and opened to find necklace and earrings matching her gown.

"It's beautiful." she whispered.

He took the necklace and tied it around her neck.

"It's my mother's. I sneaked into my house and took these." he said with mischievous glint in his eyes.

"You stole?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, I borrowed it from my mom." he defended himself.

He is not in talking terms with his dad, Tej after he got kicked out of his own house. So when his father is not there he used to go there and visit his mom, Jhanvi.

"Perfect" he complimented.

"Done. Let's Go" she said

He extended his hand and she intervened her arm with his.

Soon they reached the audition.

Om's arts were sold in millions. Soon after the audition, they were allowed for dining and party followed it.

"Congrats dude." Katherina congratulated him. She was accompanied by her film producer, Abhimanyu. The same person who forced Om, to sell Gauri's portray to him.

"Hi Katherina, ho..." he was cut off by her question, "You finally brought a date?" she asked him surprisingly.

"Umm, she is my friend." he corrected her.

Soon a song was played indicating start of party.

"Can I borrow your so called friend-date?" Katherina asked Gauri.

She nervously nodded.

Omkara understood her reluctance, because all these party type is new for her. She doesn't know anyone here apart from him. So he can't leave her all alone.

"But..." before Om could refuse the offer, Gauri cut him off saying, "Yeah sure. I will have a drink." saying that she left the place.

She didn't look back and straight away went to the bar and ordered a juice.

"Just juice? Why not shots?" she heard a deep voice asking her.

She turned around to find the person who accompanied Katherina.

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