Chapter 9

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Life is the art of drawing without an eraser

- John W. Gardner


"Wake up sleeping beauty." he woke her up by peppering kisses on her cheeks and nose.

"Let me sleep." she mumbled and tried to sleep, but suddenly she was lifted and was thrown over his shoulder.

"Om!!!" she shouted, to which he laughed.

"Time to wake up sleepy head." saying that he made her to stand in-front of washbasin.

He kissed her cheek and asked her to come out as soon as she gets refreshed.

Soon after he left, she realized what happened in the morning. She stared at her own reflection blankly.

She doesn't blame Om as she know that she was the one who started all these. At the same time she couldn't scold herself for being careless. She loves him, so she doesn't regret what happened in the morning, but the question is what the future holds for them? She doesn't believe in casual relationships. For her relationship is lifelong commitment.

With feelings not shared, she doesn't know where she stands in his life.

She sighed. Now things got more complicated after their intimate moment. Seems like he doesn't regret it, but does that mean, he is interested in me? Then why should he draw her painting? She thought.

All she can do is assume things as she didn't have the courage to hear whatever he has to tell about their relation after this incident. What if he says it is one night stand? She would be shattered.

After getting refreshed she went down. Both didn't discuss about the incident that happened few hours before. But his body language gave off. His sudden pecks, hugging confused her more.

Finally in the evening he dropped her off to her house.

When she was about to get in, he caught her hand and pulled her to him.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked.

"What? Nothing." She lied.

He sighed and pulled her towards him, "Do you regret it?" he came straight to the point, because he knew how conservative she is. And it would hurt him, if she regrets it. Because he already took advantage of her, he didn't want to repeat the same mistake twice.

"No" she immediately answered making him to sigh in relief.

"Then why were you zoned out today?" he asked.

She just bent her head down as she didn't want to voice out her doubts.

He lifted her chin up and stared at her eyes, "Do you feel something between us? Because I do." He exclaimed.

"I feel attracted to you. I like you more than anyone Ri. Don't show your cold shoulder to me," he said in sad tone.

Gauri was the only person whom he felt this kind off bond. With Katerina, he never shared anything with her; it was always her who reads him as open book. But with Gauri, it is different; he feels her as a companion to him, that's why he was sticking to her, even after washing away her guilt.

"I do." She whispered.

"But it's all new to me. I need time." She said and went in.

It took few days for them to adapt to their new bound relationship. For her it was love, for him it was still in like phase. Both didn't bring the topic of where they stand in each other lives. They just went in the direction of what future beholds them. But soon after that, both got comfortable with each other.

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