Chapter 7 | Avengers

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"I don't know the first thing about being a father or how to take care of a kid!"  

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"I don't know the first thing about being a father or how to take care of a kid!"  


I was face to face with none other than the Avengers... 

My palms became sweaty and all of the sudden all that excitement washed away with fear and worry.  Thinking this would be easy was a big mistake. Lucky for me none of them turned to me but they all looked at Tony, except for the taller man who had his face covered with a newspaper.

"Hey there Tony, been a while since you visit" The man who had his face covered said as Tony passed him heading for one of the cabinets taking a box of Pop-tarts out.

Tony grin a bit before opening the box "Well let's just say coming here wasn't part of our plain" He said glancing at me. Pepper came from behind me and gave me a little push to move forward.

"What do you mean by that Tony?" The woman with short curled red hair asked with one eyebrow up. She notices Tony glancing at me and soon we were looking into each other's eyes. The man next to here noticed her staring at me and soon looked away from his cup and was now staring at me with confusion.

He had light green-blue eyes, short light hair that stuck up at the top. Well, they weren't expecting to see a little nine-year-old girl in the Avengers tower.

The red-head looked between me and Tony a couple times before gasping "Holy sh-"

"Natasha there are children present in the room"  He interrupted quickly, even though I already knew what she was going to say. It's not my first time hearing award words.

His words caught the man who had his nose in the newspaper to finally look up at his surrounding. He looked puzzled at his words "Children?" until his eyes locked into me then he became speechless. He had short blond hair and bright blue eyes, and he seemed really tall and confused.

There was an uncountable stare between us. The sound of footsteps coming to me caught my attention. The other man with spiked hair walked over to me with a warm smile on his face.

He bends down in front of me "Hey there cutie, you friends with Tony?" He asked while the red-head rolled her eyes with annoyance. I didn't really know what to say, the first thing that came to mind is what Tony said to me earlier "Don't call me dad"  echoed in my head so I just nodded my head instead of telling them he's my father.

The man nodded his head understanding. "Well I'm Clint..." he held out his hand allowing me to shake it. Clint shook my small hand in his big one gently. I couldn't help but let a smile grow on my face.

"That's Natasha over there..." He turned to point at the red-head woman who gave me a warm smile. "And that's Steve" He pointed to the man who was staring at me with a smile, he kinda looked surprised and a bit confused at the same time. 

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