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Trust me 'sleep paralysis' is not just a word.

It's a cycle of terror where you first enter into a horrible nightmare and then you meet a monster there, then you try to escape from him.
But you can't, because you're caught.
He sits on your chest and he strangles you.
You can't breathe
You can't move, you can't scream.
You struggle, you fight.
Then at last you're set free.
You think it's over, but it's not.

After the monster leaves you,
You start to hallucinate
You go through another real nightmare.
And that, you experience it with your eyes opened.
You know you are awake
But you're not really awake.
You want to wake up but you can't
Because you are already awake.
But the Nightmare isn't leaving you.
You want to fall off asleep again
But you are afraid
Because you know the monster is still waiting for you at the doorstep to attack you for another cycle.


You will only understand this if you experience it.

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