Chapter 12

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Skylinn's POV

I loved the spa and that's exactly, where Emily, Hanna, Spencer and I were at the moment. 

"Do you think she is telling the truth?", Spencer asked breaking my loved peace. "I mean do you really think she doesn't know where Ezra went after she left?", she asked making me slightly annoyed. 

"Psht Spencer, this is a calm room so no talking", Hanna hushed, thank god at least one person who excepts a couple hours out of this mess. 

"Ezra would never do that, we know him he is a good soul", Emily said. 

"Ugh girls, Ashley gave us the gift cards for a reason. So we could enjoy", I said a little more annoyed. "What do you think they did in this room?", Hanna asked. 

Really Han? You're destroying my peace as well. "I don't even want to know what this room was before", I groaned. "It smells like burned hair". 

"Okay I have to go", Spencer said standing up. "Me too", Emily said. "Girls you can't leave. Oh come on", Hanna said walking behind them. 

I was still laying there, well maybe I get some peace now. "Skylinn, come on", Hanna yelled dragging me by my arm. I guess there is no peace for Skylinn today.

Later I decided to call my precious boyfriend, asking when we would meet. "I really want to spend some time alone with you", he groaned in the phone. "But today isn't a good day, maybe we can go to the Brew later and we plan a nice little date night. How about that?".

"Sounds perfect for me. Okay so let's say in an hour?", I asked sweetly. "Perfect. See ya baby", with that he hung up. 

"Girls", Ashley said walking towards me and Hanna who just came into the hotel. 

"Yes?", I asked noticing a couple of officers around the lobby. "Do you know anything about a deleted video?". "No why?", Hanna asked confused. 

"Because the footage of the night where Charlotte was murdered is missing. Exactly that night all you girls where here", she told us. 

"I don't know anything about it", I said. "Me neither". "Well I have to go to the police station, the will probably want you girls, to go there later too", she explained. 

After that incident, I started getting ready for Mike. I decided to wear a floral dress with some heel boots. 

"Hey baby", he smiled kissing my cheek. "Hey handsome", I smiled widely at him. 

"So I don't have that much time today, I have to do a couple calls here and there okay?", he asked looking me right in the eyes. Every time he does that my knees start to get weak and my heart is racing way to fast. 

After six years he still has that effect on me. 

"No problem, at least I get to see you", I smiled placing a kiss on his lips. 

We walked in the Brew and got our orders and sat down at our spot from years ago in the corner on the right side, where you could be all for yourself. 

After the girls left Rosewood, Mike and I went there almost every day after school studying or just talking. 

"I can't believe we almost hit the six-year anniversary market", Mike smiled to himself. "Me neither. Who would have thought that we two would end up in Los Angeles with an apartment and six years of relationship".

"Me. The day you returned to Rosewood I knew I needed you to be mine. Even after the whole Mona drama you staid which shows how much our relationship can pull off", he said kissing my hand. 

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