Chapter 5

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Skylinn's POV

Hanna was just over at Spencer's because they wanted to discuss what our next step would be but I wasn't feeling well so I decided to stay. 

"I'm back", Hanna called out form downstairs. I rushed to her and sat by her. It was still early and Hanna, Spencer and I wanted to get Lesley's car to search through it. 

"Your pills", Ashley said giving me mine and Hanna hers. She didn't really took them anymore but I had to. I quickly swallowed a couple but kept a few in my hand burying them in my pocket. I kept the appetizer, the calm down pill and the one against anxiety. 

I don't need the appetizer it's irrelevant and the "chill pill", makes me way too tired and loopy and from the one against anxiety I always got so bad headaches. 

Just then Caleb entered our kitchen but Hanna just rolled her eyes. I don't know what has been going on with them lately but it seemed like they had a lot problems. 

"Caleb is going to eat breakfast with us", Ashley announced. "We can't. Sky, Spence and I are going to Philly since Spencer has an appointment", Hanna said grabbing my hand and rushed out, dragging me with her. 

We made it to Philly since w told Spencer to meet us there. Lesley was at a Sushi restaurant which was perfect, we could easily get her car and bring it back in time. The only issue was that Spencer wasn't here.

"Where are you Spence?... yes we are already here... Liam what Toby better come home soon... no we will get the car but hurry", Hanna said on the phone with Spencer. "She's late because Liam decided to show up at her house", Hanna told me. 

Hanna and I walked to the employee who you could give your car keys. 

"Hey sir, I lost my parking card. I threw it away with my tissue and chewing gum", Hanna said playing innocent. "Miss which key is yours?", he asked. "Oh I just got her a new pendant but I forgot how it looked she as well. But you have to remember the car a green Chervolet?", I asked tugging a little at my blouse. 

"Uhm I really can't", he said gulping. "Come on it would be so great of you", Hanna said giving him all her flirt skills. "Okay fine I remember your keys", he said handing Hanna the keys. 

He brought us to Lesley's car and closed the doors. "I really love you", Hanna said smirking and driving off. 

Aria's POV 

Emily and I decided to go back to the scrap yard just to look if A lost anything. We made it there quickly so we started to walk around a little. 

"Clark?", I asked after I heard the sound of a camera. "Oh hey Aria and friend", he greeted us. "What are you doing here?", I asked a little surprised he was here. "I'm taking couple more pictures since my got stolen", he joked because I had his pictures. 

"What are you two doing here?", he then asked. "Oh I thought I forgot my camera frame here", I quickly lied. "Then I will help you search", he said. "No it's fine Emily is a good help", I said but then Emily got a call and left to go back to Rosewood so Clark started to help me search for nothing. 

I walked back to the spot where I've seen A just then I noticed a doll that wasn't there a couple days ago.

 I quickly got it and turned it around I don't know. The skirt fell up revealing another doll that looked like me but with the pink hair. The thing that worried me was that it had a knife in the eye. I quickly storage it in my bag making sure no one saw it. 

Skylinn's POV

Spencer finally came and we parked Lesley's car in an alley. 

We started searching though it. I found a package full of her weird glasses. 

"Damn I think I need glasses", I said as I saw perfectly fine through it. "Give one to me", Spencer said. She put it on and asked for another. "That are fake glasses they're made out of window glass", she told us. "Lesley really is lying to everyone", Hanna said. 

We then went to the back of the car. In it were boxes. "No way", Spencer gasped. "What, what is it?", I asked not getting what was in those boxes. 

"That are cages, five cages big enough for us", she said. That really shocked us. 

We quickly closed everything and brought the car back to the restaurant. From there we drove home but decided to go to the university where Lesley worked that night. 

Hanna and I made it home. I went to my room and picked out a light pink color for my room. I still needed to decided how I would re do my room.

I heard talking from Hanna's room and I knew Caleb was there. But then it got quiet. I knew what they were doing. I exactly knew what. just then I realized I hadn't text Mike the entire weekend but I decided to do it later. 

After Han and Caleb were done we drove to the university without him knowing obviously. There we met up with the girls excepted Emily before going in Lesley's office. 

We turned on just a few lights. "God Lesley does experiments on animals", I said while looking at all the cages filled with animals."Let's start searching", Spencer announced.

We searched through Lesley's files but then heard a beeping noise. "What was that?", Hanna asked moving a little. As she moved the beeping came back. "Hanna wait", Spencer said and grabbed Hanna's shoulders moving her to the right and left. 

The beeping sound came. "That can't be true", she gasped and grabbed those things the security checks you up with at the airport. She scanned Hanna and then herself. Then the rest of us. 

"That bitch chipped us", she said. "No way", I said touching my neck. That spot hurled since the dollhouse but I just ignored is. That's how A knew where we were. 

"We need to find something, anything", Aria said. We searched again but the Hanna opened the cages from the animals why ever. 

"She won't put anything anymore in cages", she said but then a raccoon hissed at us. "Those are not stuffed animals stay calm", Spencer said bringing it back in it's cage with some food I had left in my bag. 

Just then the lights turned out. And then a little light was switched on by Mona. "Mona did you follow us again?", Hanna asked. "No", she said. "We know you and Lesley are a team. We won't trust you", Spencer said defending. "No I'm not and Lesley is not A", she said. 

"Yes she is, she wants revenge because she thinks we killed Bethany", I said. "Not really, Lesley hated Bethany ands didn't knew Charles", Mona told us. "What do you mean. She was there long enough to know him", Hanna said. "But she only heard his name in the night Bethany Young disappeared", Mona said. 

"But that was the night Ali was gone. Charles was long dead then", Aria said holding up one of the copies from Charles file. "Oh honey I can see from here that it's fake", Mona laughed. "So Charles is still out there alive", I said. 

*****TIME SKIP*****

Emily was over at our house and Hanna told her about all the stuff Mona told us today. 

I decided to text Mike: 

Hey, can we meet soon? I think we should talk and I miss you -s

I pressed sending laid down in my bed drifting off to sleep slowly. 

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