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Who could it be....?
Who is that person....?
Could it possibly be.....
Wait! Where's Felix though.....?
We'll find out.....
Let's begin this story.


He is on the floor with a beaten body. I ran to him. I looked at his face.... He opened his eyes.... He slightly smiled. My eyes looked into his. I furrowed my brows.

"Who did this to you guys?"-y/n

He avoided my eyes. I placed a finger on his chin to make him to to look at me.

"Who.....did this to.... You guys?" I said coldly.

He looked into my eyes before saying anything.

"Wang Ziyi.... Your brother....." Xukun said in a low hoarse voice.

I backed up from him and furrowed my brows.

"I-I have a B-Brother....?"-y/n

He looked at me a gave me a slight smile....

"Yeah... You don't remember him me or yanjun because you were in a Car accident.... Your parents didn't tell you...."-xukun

"C-Car Accident....? Did you side with him....?"-y/n

"Yeah... I did.... So did Yanjun but Yanjun broke away from us.... Because he fell for you.... Your brother didn't like that...." Xukun said sadly.

"Why didnt you leave then...?"-y/n

"I can't just leave my Friend.... Either way he has been looking for you for many years.... But your parents didn't let anything out about you...."-xukun

"So who was the one who killed my parents....?"-y/n

"Yanjun was forced to kill them... But your brother Ziyi ordered him to..."-xukun

I looked down.... I have a Brother.... That I never new of...

"Thanks xukun.... Be careful..."-y/n

I got up and started to walk away.

"Wait! Where are you you going.?" Xukun said and I turned around.

I gave him a slight smile.

"I'm finishing what has started."- y/n

He looked at me and said," be careful... Who knows what ziyi will do..."

I just nodded then left the room. I was walking around slowly until someone pulled my hands harshly into a room.

I threw a kick at the person's stomachs. But he grabbed my leg and threw me onto a chair.

"Sit down y/n I won't hurt you I'm ziyi...."-ziyi

I looked at him squinting my eyes... He still doesn't seem familiar.... Probably I did lose my memory.... I just gave him a cold stare.

"What do you want?"-y/n

He smirked and said. "You. My baby sister....."

"Why do you want me..?"-y/n

"Don't those friends of yours hurt you...?"-ziyi

I looked into his eyes...

"What do you mean by hurt...?"-y/n

He smiled at me.

"Don't play dumb... I know that you dated that kiddo Justin. He hurted you right?"-ziyi

"What if he did what are you going to do to fix that?!"-y/n

"Move in with me... I live in Australia...."-ziyi

I gave him a speechless look.

"Y-You think moving with you to Australia will make me h-happy?" I stuttered....

"Please... Y/n...."-ziyi

I furrowed my brows...

"What makes you think I want to leave my friends?"-y/n

He sighed and sat in the chair across from me...

"You're so stubborn y/n... I might as well tell you before I go back to Australia..."-ziyi.

"What do you mean by that...?"-y/n

Ziyi gave me a small smile.

"You know about xukun and Yanjun right...?"-ziyi

I nodded

"They helped me find you... You probably met xukun at a mall right...?"-ziyi

I nodded.

"That's when I lost my first kiss." I said with a sarcastic smile

Ziyi seemed to ticked and he jumped out of him seat.

"What! He kissed you?! That wasn't what he was supposed to do!"-ziyi

"Please calm down it's okay."-y/n

He calmed down.

"Well besides that Yanjun had to kill our parents...."-ziyi

I nodded

"But why...?"-y/n

He sighed... sadly?

"They don't seem to tell you anything do they..?"-ziyi

I shook my head....

"Mom was suffering from stage 3 lung cancer and dad was already stage 3 of brain cancer.... They ordered me to kill them but so they won't suffer for a long time they wanted to end it... But I wouldn't dare to kill them... Which is why I asked Yanjun to... But I didn't tell him or xukun why....."-ziyi

I nodded....

"But why didn't he company originally go to you...?"-y/n

"Because I lived abroad in Australia. They were going to give it to you with way. So they signed the company under your name.... "-ziyi

I nodded....

"But... What about moving in with me.....?"-ziyi

"Um....... _____."-y/n

Should y/n go with ziyi to Australia...?

Still.... Where is Felix...?

Why did y/n leave Yixing and Xukun?

We're you shook because of Xukun?

Did you guess right?


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