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Two weeks after Do Kyungsoo's Abduction

"Coming!" Minseok shouts as he opens the door. "Oh, hello, officer Jun. Come in." The two wander to the kitchen, Minseok asking if he'd like a tea or coffee.
"A tea please- two sugars and a dash of milk, thanks." As Minseok gets busy with the kettle, the officer places his briefcase on the table, removing a folder of documents. He organises them into what is most important first and after a few moments of waiting Minseok sits at the table, placing two mugs down onto the surface of the glass. He grimaces as the clay mug makes a clanging noise as he sets it down, because it reminds him of the glass table in the den.

"So, I've got some news. You might want to call the others in. There's...there's a lot." The man itches his chin while he waits for the other members to enter the kitchen. The others practically run in, all taking seats at the table. Yixing sees the amount of documents and sighs, this can't be good.
"So, we've received the results for the blood found in the hallway and on the floor in the living room next to the table. Both samples belonged to...Do Kyungsoo. We've also hacked into the storage on each mobile phone attached to the cameras and have been able to build a visual of what happened a few weeks ago. Do you want to see what happened? You have every right to, considering this happened in your home. We've already had the meeting with his parents and brother, so you are the last to have this discussion." The officer Jun remains extremely serious, and the boys aren't sure what to say.
"I-I want to see. I need to know what happened." Baekhyun says hoarsely, tears in his eyes. The others slowly nod afterwards and officer Jun nods his head slowly, offering a soft and sympathetic smile. He pulls his laptop out of his briefcase and logs in, finds the file and sets up the video footage. The boys lean in to see the screen, the laptop facing outwards so that they can all see it. Officer Jun has seen it too many times.

Somebody is seen to be entering through the back door of the EXO dorm with a mask on and their hood up. The mask is one of those found from any Halloween store, and Sehun visibly shudders at the thought of somebody being in their house without their knowledge. Kyungsoo's dog begins barking, growling and snarling at the intruder, who kicks the dog hard in the side. The dog is instantly silenced and lays still, the man rummaging through the drawers. He finds a length of measuring tape and ties the dog to the spare chair inside the closet in the hallway. He shuts the door and is seen exiting the frame of the kitchen, and the point of view changes to another camera as the man speeds into the living room. He can be seen waiting behind the large sofa at the far side of the room due to the camera positioned in the very top corner of the right hand side of the room which overlooks the sofa as well as the rest of the open space. Nearly ten minutes later, the door is unlocked and Kyungsoo can be seen waving goodbye to the staff who drove him home. He shuts the front door and does the locks, looking exhausted. At this point, Junmyeon takes in a shaky breath as he knows what's coming next.

Kyungsoo makes his way up the stairs and into the bathroom to have a shower. He is seen exiting wearing grey sweatpants and a red hoodie. He dries his hair, brushes his teeth but pauses in his room when he feels as though he is being watched. He is seen with a nervous expression on his face, and he slowly turns around, finding that nothing is there. He hears a thud which turns out to be the unsub jumping at the bottom of the stairs after running down the three flights, after almost being caught.

"I can't do this! I can't watch this!" Chanyeol suddenly speaks, eyes glistening with tears. "I have to watch it because-because I need to know what happened too, but I just-I just don't know if I can." They tell him that he doesn't have to, but Chanyeol insists, and they resume after a five minute break. Kyungsoo walks down the stairs and grabs lunch from the fridge, heating it in the microwave. He is seen to be displaying incredibly anxious behaviour- constantly fidgeting, eyes always glancing around the room and he is unable to sit still, his knees constantly bouncing beneath the table. The footage is sped up a little and a sound catches his ears causing him to frown. He puts his bowl and chopsticks down onto the breakfast bar and hops off of his seat, making his way slowly to the hallway. He pauses and hears clearer whimpering coming from the closet. He pushes down the handle but just as he opens the door the man dressed in black and a mask is seen sprinting along the hallway at high speed. He hits Kyungsoo on the face with a full bottle of wine which shatters and sends him down to the ground, face instantly bleeding as he is sprawled out on the floor. The others gasp in shock as they watch the violent scene, Jongdae's lip trembling as he wipes his tears away roughly. The tall intruder picks the shaking and bleeding man up by the collar of his hoodie and slams him into the wall, causing the idol to gasp for breath. The tall man then grabs the back of his head, slamming it thrice down into the floor. Kyungsoo lays there for a few moments, the intruder oddly standing and watching.
"Get up, get up." Jongin whispers beneath his breath, watching the awful scene play out. He gasps in relief when his best friend is seen swaying to his feet, the intruder standing there, still watching.

The fight continues in the living room, where Kyungsoo is chased by the intruder. He grabs an empty ornamental vase and throws it, but due to his poor eyesight misses by a few inches. The tall man's hands dart out and grab the much smaller man, pulling the younger over his shoulder like a rag doll. Kyungsoo smashes through the glass table, thick glass laying beneath him and on top of him, arms, legs and face bleeding visibly. The battered idol is seen fighting for consciousness, eyes drooping closed every few minutes or so. The intruder uses this time to unzip his bag which rests against the wall next to the porch door and removes a blindfold, zip ties, a vial and a syringe. Kyungsoo still isn't willing to give up, slowly crawling away from his intruder and manages across the living room and to the entrance of the hallway. He hears the man growing closer.
"No, no! Get away from me! Somebody, he-" The intruder storms over, grabs the younger man's arms and yanks them behind him, binding his wrists together and covering his eyes with a blindfold. The short male continues weakly thrashing, kicking weakly. The boys watch as the intruder injects their best friend with a sedative that knocks him out completely in less than a minute. They are all crying by now, guilt pooling into each of their stomachs. They grimace at the sound of the desperate sobs and quiet pleas of help coming from their fellow band mate. The last scene is when the tall man in the mask slings Kyungsoo over his shoulder, the idol's dog standing in the hallway barking and growling as it sees its owner being carried away.

"That was awful. I feel...dreadful, heartbroken. We, we got angry because he didn't turn up for practice for our show or his promotion. And-and now that we-we know what really happened..." Jongin cries, his chest squeezing so tightly that he feels as though he is suffocating.
"We have a little bit of good news. We traced back the serial number found on the camera lens and found that the unsub went into a store to buy these. He paid with his credit card and we've managed to identify him. He goes by Xander Sil, otherwise known as Lee Iljung. He was supposed to debut with you guys, but was fired after physically attacking one of the other staff members when they held a meeting about his criminal record. He has committed multiple crimes, most of them petty theft, but one of them armed robbery."
"So he got fired because of himself. How does that link with Kyungsoo?" Sehun asks, wiping his nose.
"He was supposed to be revealed as EXO's eighth member, but instead Kyungsoo debuted." Officer Jun reveals, taking a sip of his now cold tea.
"But why did it take until now for him to do something? Why not before?" Yixing queries, hugging Sehun.
"He was in prison. He was released six months ago on parol. He completed his two hundred hours of community service and that was that. Now he is a wanted criminal again. The only issue is, is that nobody has seen him since he finished his community service. There is no paper trail, nothing."
"But why would he buy cameras with his credit card if he didn't want to leave a paper trail?" Baekhyun speaks.
"Maybe he thought that he was safe behind the fake ID?" Junmyeon suggests, shrugging.
"But then he made it easy to hack into the phone storage. I mean, he literally left them there. Maybe-maybe he wants attention. He wants acknowledgement for what he's done, for what he's capable of doing!" After a few more questions, officer Jun is called back to the police station and he bids the others farewell.

"Shit. Holy fucking shit. I hope that he's ok. Do you-do you think that he's still alive, Min?" Jongin asks, voice breaking.
"I-I don't know, Jongin. But he's tough. He'll get through this." Minseok whispers, not trusting his voice enough to speak above the low decibel he's speaking. The two hug each other for a long time, feeling comfort and hoping-no, praying that their friend is safe.

Just in case this was confusing, we've jumped back in time to 2 weeks after D.O. was abducted. Ok, this is the third (and potentially final) update for tonight. I love you all and tbh I'll probably update tomorrow lol. Goodnight! 🍪💕

Date: Sunday 25th November 2018

Word Count: 1771

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