Chapter 1

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   Three months later

   Ty glanced at the sky when he got out of the taxi,he frowned at the thick ,gray nimbous clouds overhead.A storm was coming his way .Pieces of paper were being moved to and fro' by  the howling wind.He walked up the step to the luxurious,custom built house he had last visited two months ago. Apart from the occasional calls and frequent texts he had not seen Lee for the past two months.
  Just before he reached the front door,the sky opened up releasing big drops of rain.Within seconds he was drenched.
"Great ,"he muttered .His face was wet as was his hair and shoes.Puffing out a breath he knocked on the door.A lock clicked then the door was opened.
"Tyler,"Lee smiled and went in for a hug but stopped when she saw how wet he was ,"what are you doing here?It's been so long."
Lee looked nice,cozy and dry,he noted.Her hair was drawn into a loose bun on top of her head while some strands framed her face.

Tyler's face hardened and he became serious "This aint a social call ,"he said"i'm here on official business."
    Her smile disappeared and she stepped away to let them in.
He stepped in and stood by the entryway,when his shoes squeaked againt the marble floor .
"F*ck!"he muttered"Even my socks are socked ."He took off both his shoes and socks.Lee let loose a giggle"You are absolutely socked Ty." "Right down to my briefs,I got caught in the downpour,"he confirmed.
   "Let me get you a towel."
      She left him in the foyer ,and returned with a fluffy black towel in her hands.He dried his hair and face ."Why don't you get out of those wet clothes and i'll dry them?"she suggested."A faint smile touched his lips,"And walk around naked?"
Her face burned up to a lovely red "No,i'm sure i 've got a pear of Joe's sweats you can wear."
"I'd appreciate that."Unzipping his jacket he took it off and handed it to her."Her gaze went to the 9mm beretta tucked into a shoulder holster,a direct reminder of who he was.

"Come on in the living room it warmer,and i'll get you the sweats,"she said over her shoulder as she walked away .
She veered of to the right heading towards the main bedroom.Soft music flowed from the bluetooth speaker on the coffee table .A nearly empty bottle of wine sat on the table next to some paperwork.
Lee approached him,handing over grey sweats to him."You are welcome to a shower to get rid of the chill.""I think i need just that ."

Tyler headed out of the room  and towards one of the guestrooms .
Picking up her wine glass on the carpet ,she headed towards the kitchen to make tyler some coffee.

"Umm.Coffee smells great."Lee turned around to face Tyler and offered to pour him a cup.

He was dressed in the sweats and from his waist up bare.His chest was sprinkled with blonde curls that had droplets in them.A particular drop caught her attention as it rolled down disappering into the waistband of the drawstring sweatpants.
       Heat suffused her entire body,a sensual,feminine kind of awareness that made her skin tingle.She swallowed hard."Where's the sweatshirt?"she asked with a high pitched voice due to the desire pooling at her lower stomach and she was pretty sure her panties were wet.
"It's too small and i can barely get it over my head,''he said "the sweats are a tight fit too but they'll do."
Her traitorous gaze slid towards his lean hips and more masculine anatomy.The hem of the sweats ended at his shins.
"I'll go put  your clothes in the dryer"
"I already did it ,"he told her"I would have done it for you."He chucked her gently beneath the chin and told her he could handle it."Why don't you go put a few logs in the fireplace i'll be right there."

Pouring the freshly brewed coffee into mugs she carried the two cups into the living room.

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