Leaving the Past, Starting a New

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"Father?" A five year old fox demon whispers. Ambrosia ,who was the daughter of the Great fox Demon, Lord Rai Kenzo, who married a beautiful women of his kind, Lady Aoyama Hisano. Together they created a wonderful daughter, Ambrosia Kenzo. Rai turns to look at his daughter, he was in his study room with an old friend , Inu no Taisho. " Ambrosia head back to bed, it's past your bedtime " He walks over to her picking her up. "My old friend who is this lovely little lady" Inu no Taisho walks over to him, eyes on Ambrosia. She hides her face into her fathers neck." Inu no Taisho meet my daughter Ambrosia Kenzo, the fourth born in the castle."

Rai had three sons but it wasn't from the women he loved. Rai Kenzo was married with another women named Sakura Hirayama but sadly their love didn't spark like with Rai and Aoyama. Sakura had three boy's named Miso, Kasai and Yamasato. The three boys live in the castle with their mother , the two ladies of the house weren't in good terms but Aoyama was raised better and keep the grudges to herself while Sakura didn't, she would criticize her by saying that she isn't proper to be the lady of the castle. Rai would just stay out of their arguments unless they get a little violent which he doubts they would, his lover is a women of peace.

" Rai how come I wasn't informed about her birth? I informed you about my first born." Rai sighs and nods. "I know but you've been busy these years" Taisho scoffs "Busy? You know I'm never busy with you my friend, mostly when the lord of the northern side has had their first daughter and a lovely little lady she is. Like her mother." He smiles at Ambrosia while she hides her face again. He chuckles and looks at Rai "May I ?" Rai nods and hands him Ambrosia. She whimpers, afraid of the Great Dog Demon. Taisho rubs her back "Now now, no need to be scared little one. I won't harm you. I promise you that " He smiles. She slowly looks at him and slowly smiles back. "You promise " Her little adorable voice echo in the room. He nods and puts her down. She giggles and run to her father. "Ambrosia go to bed now, your mother would be disappointed in me for letting you stay up this late." Rai looks at the window seeing the sun was slowly rising. She frowns but nods, she runs over to Taisho and hugs his leg." Bye bye " she looks at him. He smiles "Goodbye Lady Ambrosia" She giggles and runs off to her room.

Taisho looks at Rai "Rai?" He looks at him " Yes Taisho" He looks back at him. " I want my son and your daughter to meet each other when their older" He walks to the door "Well I should be going, it was great visiting you my friend." He leaves. Rai sighs "What are you planning Dog Demon. "

A few years have passed and Ambrosia is now in her teen years. She sighs as she was stuck in her room. Sakura, the women who she dearly despise. She grabbed Ambrosia by the arm and yanked her to her room and locked it from the outside for no reason. She walked to her balcony and watched the sunset. Her father was too busy to even notice her being gone. He was in a meeting in the war room, where all they talk was war and war. "Stupid women" She mutters. " Why does father even keep her in the castle, At least two of my brothers are nice to me unlike that witch, who's rude to mother. " She keep ranting about Sakura that she didn't hear someone calling out to her. " Hey Am?....Hey little sis?....AMBROSIA!" They yelled. She looks down to see her brothers. Yamasato and Kasai along with a boy who looks like he's 3 years older than her. "Why are you two not in the war room with father?" She looks at the boy behind them. He looked familiar to her, it reminded her of Inu no Taisho."Well the meeting is over and it was boring." Yamasato smiles at her. " So we went to look for you but didn't see you around the castle" kasai stated. She sighs "Yeah sorry...The wit-I mean Lady Sakura locked me in here" She mutter. " Oh dear sister, meet Inu no Taisho son, Sesshomaru" Kasai moves aside for her to see. " That's why he looks familiar to me" She whispers. She smiles and sits on top of the railing of the balcony, her feet dangling. She fixes the wrinkles of her Kimono and looks at her brothers. " One of you catch me" She slides off . Kasai quickly caught her " Don't ever do that!" He yelled. Ambrosia only laughs " You worry too much" She fixes her kimono and stood in front of Sesshomaru. " Ambrosia Hisano Kenzo, The only daughter of lord Rai Kenzo, Lord of northern lands." She introduced. Sesshomaru nodded " Sesshomaru, Son of Inu no Taisho, Lord of the western lands"

Kasai and Yamasato looked at each other shocked. "She made him talk!" Kasai whispers to his brother. He nodded " When we were giving the tour, he wouldn't talk at all." Yamasato commented. Both brothers watched their sister talking to Sesshomaru who was surprisingly answering back." Should we inform father about the situation? " asked Yamasato. Kasai nodded and ran to their father leaving the two behind.

"So Sesshomaru did your father bring you here" Ambrosia sat on the bench and makes room for him. He sat next to her and nods. " Yes, he is in a meeting with Lord Rai" She smiles and looks at the roses in front of her. Sesshomaru grabbed one and took off the thorns and slides one behind her ear.

Lord Rai was watching the whole thing along with the two boys. "Should we threaten him Father?" Asked Kasai. "To keep him away from our dear little sister?" questioned Yamasato. Rai only shook his head," No...I talked to Inu no Taisho about keeping his son away from Ambrosia...After all...We are a higher ranked than them and your sister can't be engaged to a lower rank boy, just...make sure your sister doesn't fall in love with him, understood boys?" He looks at them. They both nodded and left. " Oh Inu no Taisho what have you done..." He mutters.

A few years have passed, Kasai and Yamasato have been failing their mission. Ambrosia has been falling in love with Sesshomaru slowly but Sesshomaru has no time for love,which left poor Ambrosia heartbroken when she heard from her brothers that Sesshomaru won't be visiting the Castle anymore due to him wanting to be more powerful and rule his land since sadly Inu no Taisho has died for protecting a human women who was bearing his child. She has been wanting to visit the child and the human women but Sakura has been making her life much harder. More tragic events has happened in her life. One, her mother, Lady Aoyama has been feeling ill for no reason and was bed-ridden for the past few weeks. Lady Sakura has been making it worse by not letting her visit her dying mother until it was the day of her death, Lady Sakura let her visit. She cried on her mothers stomach telling her all the events that she hasn't been there for her. Even Lord Rai hasn't done anything to stop Lady Sakura's orders of making his only daughter happiness slowly break or has been by his lovers side when she passed away. Yamasato and Kasai were heartbroken seeing their little sister suffer, so they decided to help her. They walked to her room and told her to run away from the castle and live by a human village, away from their mother and her problems here. Ambrosia agree and packed a few things she will mostly need. She gave them two big hugs and walked out of the castle, happy to start over a new adventure.

Hai Thanks for reading this story, I will try to update when I'm able. Also Sorry if you can't read the names of the Characters so I will help you. In the middle Is Lord Rai, to his right is his 2nd born son, Kasai (I noticed I spelled it wrong up there) To the left of the lord is 1st wife Sakura Hisayama then above is Ambrosia as a teen, Below Lady Sakura is Ambrosia as a child. The below the lord is Yamasato the 3rd born son, then on top of the lord is first born named miso, then to the right of Miso is Lord Rai's second wife, Lady Aoyama Hisano. Then below Kasai is Ambrosia now in days for the next chapter. Please leave comments, I don't mind ideas or adding any more OC's. If I spelled something wrong, please tell me don't be shy. Also God dammit the title of the book should be Color black but for some reason it turns god damn white. So you can't read it at all.

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